Itunes messing around with hard drive selection..... assistance needed.


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I currently have all my itunes stored in lossless format on an external 2 tb hard drive. I have chosen in the preference section for the computer to locate its files from this drive, which is the F drive.

When Open itunes it sometimes reverts back to the C drive and I have to change the setting manually. I have had to deleate and re import the whole library on a number of times.

My questions are?

Why does it revert back to the C drive?
Is there anything I can do to stop it?

Each time i need to import a cd I need to check the right drive is selected. Its is really frustrating and I am close to killing my laptop.

Is the external hard drive always connected to the laptop, or do you hook it uip as and when?

This is a guess - are you starting itunes with the hdd already connected? It maybe that itines is looking for your F drive when its not connected , so it reverts back to the default.
Hi Binman,

thanks for the reply, The hard drive is always connected to the laptop and boots up as the laptop does.
The laptop could still be looking for external HDD before its fully booted, try powering HDD on first then power laptop on when it's full powered on.


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