is there a TV out there that passes loseless HD audio over eArc via its built in player?

Mar 16, 2016
Hi all;
as of today, I do not know of any TV out there that will pass loseless HD audio (atmos, dts-x, true hd, etc) over eArc using the built in player.
when I say built in player I mean, for example, in a LG TV:
- when you plug a UBB drive and play a movie straight from the TV
- when you have a NAS and play a movie straight from the SMB protocol
it there any TV that will do that? (LG certainly does not)
BTW, if you know if a 3rd party player application for LG (OLED) that willo be able to play movies directly from a source (no stramer or plex in the middle) then I would also be greaful to know about it.
thanks in advance!!
It will depend on whether the app supports it, (Most don't) see if you have VLC available in the LG App store and try that.
You will most likely have to specify lossless in both the app & tv settings.

What are you outputting the sound (via HDMI/eArc) to? Receiver? Sound bar etc?

The eArc standard means the TV should output lossless audio but will depend on the source (USB/TV App etc) and where it is going.
outputing to a capable soundbar...
as I said, there is no TV I know of at this time that can pass loseless audio via eArc using its builtin player.
all 3 creteria should be met...
where you might find this issue disturbing:
1. if you have a video on a usb stick you want to connect directly to your tv and have its loseless atmos sound go down to the soundbar
2. if you have a NAS with a library of movies that you use as a shared network disk (not using plex in the middle - just straight file reading from the networ).
in both instances you will have problems.
again, this is super wierd as I think the NAS and USB examples should be somewhat popular...
I think we are getting screwed over by manufacturers (in lack of nicer words)