one point to note though on a 32inch tv the picture difference is harder to see you need at least a 40-46 inch lcd to really notice, i use a 24inch lcd (full hd) for my computer and find it hard sometimes to notice much of a difference when playing blu ray
to clarify this coment as some people just dont get it.
the difference is more noticable on a 40 - 46 screen size. (thats 40-46 not 46inch only) you can still see the difference on a smaller screen you just have to be nearer the screen to see the difference as the screen is smaller.
i can still see a difference on my computer 24inch screen,
24inch its clearer, 32inch its better than sky hd and looks good, 40inch wow, 46inch its like im in the screen
sorry willdewhurst but i cant dumb the comment down any more other than trying baby talk, specsavers is an option or maybe a brain scan