Is anyone happy with their system?

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Messiah:I am still going to add a Sub

I wondered how long it would be before you'd want the sub. AVI hasn't found the cure for upgraditis then!
lordmortlock:Messiah:I am still going to add a Sub

I wondered how long it would be before you'd want the sub. AVI hasn't found the cure for upgraditis then!

Well I am very happy with the sound. It is more for Movie impact really although it won't go amiss with the music occasionally

yep. But will still spend on upgrading...for ever

Same here. Very happy with the present setup, as I was with the last and the one before that. But there will always be room, money permitting for a tweek here or a portable headphone amp there or get the V8P modded.

I could also do with properly sorting out the computer and hard drive after an ongoing saga to do with being sent the wrong sized network hard drive. But what I have got works. Then there is the TV and once the new shelf is fitted one of those Yamaha soundbars, oh and move from DVD to blu ray......deep joy!
As in not needing to upgrade any more, nor tweak, because they're happy with what they've got?

I've one upgrade to go, i.e. an amp change, but keep putting it on hold since I'm happy with the sound, to the point where if I try to listen analytically to the system, rather than the music, I can't.

I think you're actually asking two different questions here Tarquin.

Yes I am very happy with my Hi-Fi, I stick it on when I get home from work most days, and just sit there listening to it. But, I also know that it was built to a budget, and that when the time comes, buying an amp in the £1,000/£1,500 area will boost my system and my enjoyment even further.
Im very happy with my hifi setup. But im considering a better bluray player than my PS3 on the av side of things
matthewpiano:Oh, I should say a new turntable would be nice. Not terribly happy with the Project Debut III. A Rega P3-24 is on the future shopping list.

Try the Technics SL 1200/1210 as well. I did, and was more than pleasantly surprised.

I agree with you about the Pro-ject Debut, which, given its high noise floor, is much overrated in my opinion.
I'm very happy with my system at the moment, everything I throw at it sounds good to my ears. I could probably do with a mainsupgrade but I'm fine without it for the moment.

The one thing I would like to change soon is my turntable, I'm currently using and old Technics SLJ11 and it's not up too snuff, records sound devoid of bass.
yes I'm happy with my main components but I could do to upgrade my interconnects. This is one area I've neglected when upgrade time came around.
Yup really happy. But i constantly have that nagging in the back of my head that ive spent too much. So when i think about it, no, not really happy? What to do!?
matthewpiano:Oh, I should say a new turntable would be nice. Not terribly happy with the Project Debut III. A Rega P3-24 is on the future shopping list.

I knew you would eventually come up with something Matthew!

I can't imagine not wanting to upgrade something or other, or lusting after a new product. I never want to be the spoiled child who has everything, wants for nothing and is bored. It would be such an anti-climax to get to the position where thats it. There is nothing wrong (mad expenditure excepted) with a bit of lust, hopes and a dream ....... now if anyone has £7,136.85 spare that they never want back, I lust for the Meridian Sooloos ............
SHAXOS:Yup really happy. But i constantly have that nagging in the back of my head that ive spent too much. So when i think about it, no, not really happy? What to do!?

Go hell for leather and spend MORE !!!. When its gone its gone,no good mumping,just enjoy it while you can. Tis only money mate
hehe! To be honest the amount i would have to spend to get a better sounding system is not even worth thinking about. I remain unconvinced by the improvement of changing cd players so i will not change that. That leaves the amp and/or speakers to change and again its not going to happen as i have reached my limit on what i am willing to spend on what are essentially an assortment of boxes that produce noise. My system has peaked and will only get worse (should i decide to cash in on bits).

Peace out!
What is your setup SHAXOS? I'm almost there hifi wise and will start to look at av more. Are you sorted in every department? What about some headfi, a spare room setup, there has got to be something. Spend , spend, spend!
I agree with you regarding cdps shaxos. Once you arrive at a certain price level the difference in the mega bucks players (ive heard) in comparison to mine, for instance,are microscopic.
Was happy to begin with. After 'accidental' amp purchase (!) I now have bought new speakers too.... Just plugged-in the 'old' system and damn it sounds nice. Why was I on ebay again?! Yeah, darn, for camera lenses, and I should have stayed on that topic!
"What is your setup SHAXOS? I'm almost there hifi wise and will start to look at av more. Are you sorted in every department? What about some headfi, a spare room setup, there has got to be something. Spend , spend, spend!"

Hey! Haha!Yeah its funny you should mention that as i have recently spent 1100 on a homecinema set up and it is spend spend spend. But as far as hifi goes im done. My setup is Musical fidelity XRAY V8 CD player and KW550 amp. These are hooked to a pair of B&W 805S's. Id have to look at changing the amp or speakers for any sort of improvement. However to better my amp we're talking big big bucks and with the latest price hikes for speakers the same is true for them. There is no way i can justify spending any more on hifi.
To answer the original post, heck yes I'm very happy. I've been happy with every change and every upgrade. I've been super happy with my cable changes and my new audio rack. I'm lovin' this hobby!
Opening a box with a new component to try out is adrenelin city. I guess I'm just a sucker for shiny new stuff.

Now, am I totally 100% satisfied, with no urge to change anything for years? Truthfully, I don't want to be that happy...the alternative is way too much fun.

So to summarize, I'd say I've been very happy the whole long ride to my current setup, but my level of overall satisfaction has gone from medium to high. I'm really digging these little dyns.
Extremely Happy with my setup - see my system in the 'My System' section of the forum - as you can see it took me a long time to be finally happy though. Only problem is, I have auditioned the Monitor Audio PL300s at home now with my existing system. Sound was mind blowing! The only thing I would change - money still pending for them.
I'm not. Which is why im changing it. At some point tho, if necassary, i shall force myself to settle down or itll be the death of me. I wanna get off.
Not 100% for music and its niggling me like crazy but im trying to avoid buying anything!!
I was pretty happy for nearly 15 years, but recently as I spent more and more time listening to music I found that the sound did not let me relax and enjoy the music. It lacked bass and a bit too harsh or hifi sounding.

Both the Mission 753's and Quad 11L's had their plus points and adding a subwoofer did help matters a little, but this could not tame the harsh sound with some music.

A switch to the Usher Be-718's answered all my needs, cant describe them in hifi terms, but they ticked all the boxes, have a eye(or ear)opening bass for a stand mount and the Beryllium tweeter is a dream. Even after hours and hours of listening, I never want to switch them off.


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