iPod Dock or Micro HiFi?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Good evening everybody! I am moving into my new flat soon and it isn't large enough to accommodate my separates. I'd like to get an iPod dock or micro hi-fi to stream music from my Mac via an Airport Express. My budget is around £300-500 max. Does anybody have any recommendations? The system should be no larger than a B&W Zeppelin ideally as space really is an issue! I've read this months reviews on the B&W & Arcam but just wondered if there are any other opinions out there? I listen to rock and alternative mostly (i.e. Muse, Avenged Sevenfold, Metallica, Foo Fighters, Radiohead etc etc.) Thanks for your time 🙂
Have you considered the Epoz aktimate mini's?

I have a pair and they sound really good, the bass is very good and even at low volumes there is plenty of punch to the sound. i tested a zeppelin which to be fair i loved the look of but found that the aktimates just had a more full rnage sound.

i manged to get mine from superfi as an ex display for £220.
My son has the Zeppelin and my daughter has a KEF Picoforte (kef dock with egg speakers) but I would seriously check out the Yamaha versions where the PX50 model transmits wirelessy with an attachment to the ipod. I was at a party 3 months ago where a Bose dockstation did an admirable job outside of projecting music. The new Arcam did well at £500 at a recent WHF test but looks like a Borg Cube.

You have to decide what you really want and audition them. I personally use SONOS where the S5 would work with a lead to your ipod and produces a credible sound. The app would work with PC/Laptop/iTouch/iPhone etc and you could upgrade later on, or you could save up for ADMI 9. Again your choice.
Denon M-38DAB with a decent pair of bookshelf speakers like the Monitor Audio BX1s. (£375 here)

Plug your iPod/iPhone straight into the USB at the front with the standard iPod cable and it uses the Denon's DAC instead of the iPod's internal one. (It charges the iPod/iPhone too.)

It also has a CD player and FM and DAB/DAB+ too. (30watts per channel which is pretty respectable through efficient speakers like the BX1s in a small room. Especially given that you enjoy quite high energy music.)

WHF Review

Also, if you ever feel like upgrading to seperates when circumstances allow, you will already have a great set of speakers!
Cheers all! I'm going to arrange a demo to hear the Epoz and hopefully the Denon with the MA speakers. The Arcam's review was positive but I have to agree with you shado - the aesthetics of the Arcam just don't do it for me!
Try find an Onkyo 725DAB. They're pretty cheap now and have an optical input, allowing you to connect your airport or mac with a toslink and use the Onkyo's DAC. It's a very good little unit, I'd say possibly better than the Denon (I've owned the DM37 as well) and you'll pay less for it.


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