iPhone headphone adapter with remote. Does it exist???

Peter Larsen

New member
Oct 16, 2008
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I have an iPhone 3Gs and a pair of Denon headphones that I love, so obviously I refuse to use the accompanying headphones that came with the iPhone. What I would like is an adapter with remote on the cord that I can connect to the iPhone, and then connect my headphones to the adapter. In other words a short cord that connects to the iPhone, with a remote at the end, where I can plugin my Denon headphones.

But does this actually exist. I haven't been able to find anything in Europa that does that. To me that is very very strange. I canot be the first one, that wants to use my iPhone with a pair of quality headphones, and still be able to control the iPhone with a remote on the cord. I know Apple makes a remote with built in radio that does exactly what I want, but its only compatible with the iPod touch and Nano.

I found this one myself http://www.iworldaustralia.com.au/index.cfm/page/productdetail/id/345/iLuv-iPod-iPhone-remote-with-Headphone-adapter but can't find it anywhere where they actually sell it.



There seems to be a fair few of these on e-bay.


If thats what you're looking for.

Hope this helps


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