Intergrated amp as power amp


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2017
Hello everyone. I have a question regarding integrated amplifiers. I've never thought about it but it crossed my mind. I own a Marantz ND 8006 and a Marantz PM 8005. Both have a preamplifier in them and the PM 8005 can also be used as a power amplifier. Does it make sense to use the ND 8006 as a preamplifier and the PM 8005 only as a power amplifier? I haven't tried it but I'm interested in theory...
Hello everyone. I have a question regarding integrated amplifiers. I've never thought about it but it crossed my mind. I own a Marantz ND 8006 and a Marantz PM 8005. Both have a preamplifier in them and the PM 8005 can also be used as a power amplifier. Does it make sense to use the ND 8006 as a preamplifier and the PM 8005 only as a power amplifier? I haven't tried it but I'm interested in theory...
If you have both then try it. It's not something I would suggest anyone does if they were out to buy both but as you have them......
Personally I don't think you'll gain anything, and I guess it will depend on whatever else you have as periferals that you need to connect to complete your system.
It makes sense to use them as you like --including to use the loaded ND as fully as you like, and the "only" for the PM if that is all you need from it. Try it.
Hello everyone. I have a question regarding integrated amplifiers. I've never thought about it but it crossed my mind. I own a Marantz ND 8006 and a Marantz PM 8005. Both have a preamplifier in them and the PM 8005 can also be used as a power amplifier. Does it make sense to use the ND 8006 as a preamplifier and the PM 8005 only as a power amplifier? I haven't tried it but I'm interested in theory...
What exactly would you expect to gain from that? The short answer is ... no.
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I was not even aware of such a combination until I saw a text that talked about this kind of setup. The guiding thread was that the preamplifier in the ND8006 was a better option than the preamplifier in the PM8005. I don't use a turntable, but mainly Internet radio and Deezer. Occasionally a CD. The answers are on the lines of what I assumed, except for this "try and see" part of course 🙂
I'm not that deep into electronics so I thought maybe there was some "expert" reasoning "for" and "against". Maybe if it was a lower series integrated amplifier it would make sense too...


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