Integrated Amp - help

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2011
If you are only for 2 speakers you can definitely get better,first trying to exclude the Av 7005 from you chain if the Oppo has volumecontrol.A seperate stereo integrated will mostly give better sound than an AV-Receiver although yours one of the better ones for stereo.Arcam works really well (balanced) with the RX-line but only you can compare what is better for you.Many options ... a)A19 will work with your RX6 good if not going too loud,so you can also maybe make some money selling your devices ,b)using the A19 with your Rotel amp and just sell the Receiver ,c) sell both and hit for a integrated of your wish (many many options with your budget).All these options if you like your RX6.There are of course better speakers in some areas (RX6 is a good allround speaker) so maybe you indeed have to start over all again depending on what you are looking for.

Haha Vlad :rofl: the B&W man ,I am sure he is paid from them ;)


New member
Jun 6, 2014
Normally i would. My situation i actually live in States and there are no decent hi end stores for miles. Everything up to know has been getting advice and reading which i know is not the best. However some of online stores out here give you a 30 day money back period. So changing my AV and power amp to something like a Roskan Integrated Caspian M2 would make no better sound than what i currently have? Or something like Krell 500i etc. Obviously i would need some of the money towards these by already selling my av and power amp.

Someone mentioned just use a new power amp with Oppo only? My main goal is to improve the sound although it sounds pretty decent currently and make most of just 2 channel.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2011
No don´t change your Rotel,that would be the last option imo..If your Oppo has volumecontol go with it into your Rotel.Anyway if you have decent sound i wouldn´t change anything if you are not able to demo or send back.If you are in the states try Peachtree Audio,these work also very nice with your RX6 providing a nice rich and warm sound.You can combine this also with your Rotel or use it alone e.x. Nova 125.If you like the combo with your rotel you can hunt for a decco and using it as a pre for your Rotel being cheaper as a Nova 125 + with a Peachtree you would get an additional Dac included,never hurts as these are also fantastic Dacs for the money.You can send back the Peachtrees if you don´t like.

I see you have Oppo 105,that should have volumecontrol and is a nice source indeed with a good Dac.So you should go directly with your Oppo into the Rotel which will provide better sound over your AV as a Pre.If you don´t like it( thats what I meant with it could be bright) come back.


New member
Dec 26, 2013
Esra said:
Haha Vlad :rofl: the B&W man ,I am sure he is paid from them ;)

Hey dude. I opened a whole thread and asked if its ok to peddal my own gear. Everyone said sureeeeee.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2011
Hehe i have seen that :cheers: If I was B&W you would certainly get a gift from me :cheer:

Hope your CM1´s still alive ....:wave: hello B&W .....


New member
Dec 26, 2013
Ah, I can only wish. Doesn't work like that where I live.

Both CM1's live and kicking with some on my JRiver plattenspieler.


New member
Aug 2, 2010
chebby said:
Vladimir said:
My vote goes for Creek Evo 50a with included DAC.

No Ruby DAC module yet. (Unless they've announced it's production in the last couple of weeks since I last checked.)

Comments from Creek on their Facebook page suggest it's coming this month (June) @ £400.


New member
Dec 26, 2013
Hooverphonic With Orchestra Live - brilliant stuff.

I love Noémie Wolfs' voice.... and everyhting else. :shifty:


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2011
Vladimir said:
Hooverphonic With Orchestra Live - brilliant stuff.

I love Noémie Wolfs' voice.... and everyhting else. :shifty:

I see what you mean ! ;)

I just bought the Cd :cheers:


New member
Jun 6, 2014
As pretty new to hifi still trying to understand. Currently if i was to go from my Rotel to the Oppo only my understanding is I wouldnt be utilizing the Dac which makes all the difference. My understanding was the Dac was utilized by going through the marrantz.

So trying to understand everyone here.

1. Buying a decent integrated amp is not the answer? So for example getting a Roskan with RX6 and Oppo would sound no better or possibly worse? Better to sell Marantz and purchase a pre power amp to go with Rotel. How about a quality used pre amp and power amp instead. However has to utilize dac in Oppo

2. Would it be better for sound quality to keep what i have and get better speakers?

If you have already answered some of this Im sorry just trying to get my head around best way forward.



New member
Dec 26, 2013
No change in electronics (amps, DACs, CDPs) will give you the huge leap in sound quality like upgrading the speakers will. Jaw dropping difference.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2011
Look please

page 7

figure 3 you take and that goes in

page 3

goes in to figure 4 where front is written

The Oppo has it´s own dac which is superior to that in your AV.You can control volume with your Oppo see page 8 figure 23.

Be carefull you decrease volume at the oppo to minimum before switching your Rotel on.

Good luck.

PS:you can connect every device with an digital output to your oppo like TV/Laptop/PC/Streaming device see page 7 figure 14,15,16 and utilize the dac of your oppo and of course also hdmi (see related input in your oppo).


New member
Jun 6, 2014
Thanks guys. Esra simple and very helpful, Im thinking i have been using DAC in marantz all along so unpluged and placed into Rotel and not Marantz. Sounds more alive and crisp than before when changing over, more like a fine tune. So if i sold my Marantz, what would get me best results with the money? Keep Rotel and upgrade speakers? Upgrade amp and keep RX6. Really thankful for all your help in this.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2011
hifi74 said:
...more like a fine tune. So if i sold my Marantz, what would get me best results with the money? Keep Rotel and upgrade speakers? Upgrade amp and keep RX6. Really thankful for all your help in this.

Cool,that sounds like you done it right :cheers: .Well what comes next depends on you,if I was you I would buy music with the money or make a little holiday trip expecially if you are satisfied with the sound.No?You want new hardware?Sick of your hardware?Then probably new speakers as Vlad wrote will do most change imo. too but first of all i would know myself what sound I want which would maybe require a total other system.Enjoy your system,it´s good.

PS: Tighten the screws at the back and do a lot of positioning with your speakers as they are picky,try to be off the wall 1/16 or better 1/4 the lenght of your room and let min. 50cm space to the sides.Only slightly angle about 5-10 degrees to your listening position.


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