DavidGander:...basically you can limit a iec plug down to a fig 8 cause youre only taking away, but you cant make a fig 8 into an IEC...
I think David the problem is one of earthing. A figure 8 plug is 2 pin (L & N) and only intended for equipment which is double insulated - that is one that doesn't require an earth connection. IEC plugs are 3 pin (L, N & E). Even though a lot of equipment that uses an IEC plug and socket doesn't actually need that earth connection, there is a possibility that a figure 8 lead without an earth, when used with an IEC adaptor, might inadvertantly be used to unsafely power a piece of equipment that did require an earth. So I think you might find it very difficult to find such an adaptor if such a thing does exist. You could imagine someone trying to use a figure 8 lead with a figure 8 to IEC adaptor to power a kettle... Apart from the point that daveh75 makes about the current limitations of a normal figure 8 lead, it'd also mean that the kettle wouldn't be earthed... it'd be seriously dangerous.