IE10 and Security Certificate Errors

What I tried to post was I'm having trouble with IE10 and Windows 8 Pro 64-bit. IE10 keeps popping up "problems with this site's security certificate" type messages, and I can't figure out how to get around this.

Apart from switching to Chrome or Firefox, is there a fix?

:O ALL of them? Like the whole internerd "phone book"?

FWIW even Microsoft websh*tes come up with security certificate errors, and no it's not the time and date thing, my computer is synched to the internerd.

(Donning tinfoil lined baseball cap...)

Personally I think Microsoft is just having one big laugh - every time they come up with a new way to infuriate us they release a new version of Windows. Just like I think the virus scamming, sorry, scanning, nope, got it right first time, scamming, industry is behind 90% of the viruses out there....
I often get this error with HTTPS sites. Perhaps it has something to do with your security settings in "Internet Options". Giving another browser a go would be harmless and could give you a better insight as to where the problem lies.
Tried that - Google Chrome -and b*ggering about with all the internerd settings in Winblows 8 as well, still having problems...
Synchronise your time and date. Incorrectly set time and date will mess up certificates because the computer has no idea when "now" is!

If it still won't play nicely:

IE - Tools - Internet Options - Advanced Tab - click Restore then click Reset - Apply / OK

IE - Tools - Internet Options - Security Tab - click reset all zones to default - Apply / OK

Close and restart IE

If you're still having no luck, try compatibility mode for webpages:


Hopefully doing all of that should sort it.
Tried suggestions 1 and 2 above last night when I got home (remember I'm six hours behind the UK) and had some luck.

I think the problem may acytaully lie with the anti-virus software (Kaspersky) rather than Windoze 8, although my wife's machines (laptop and 3 x desktops) running Windblows 8 and the same version of Kaspersky don't seem to be so afflicted.

This morning I found a posting on Kaspersky's website about a bug in their software and certificate errors, recommending a download of their latest database updates, but guess what? Kaspersky's site is one of the worst offenders|(

Will tinker more tonight after I fit ANOTHER replacement hard disk into the RAID array...................


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