my qustion is i have a sony BDP-S370 player i am haveing problems with the sound i have been blameing it on my blu-ray player thinking i am geting the same problem as some people with the sound drop outs but i have had a engineer check the player out and he sed he can not find anything wrong with the player my surrond sound systeam is about 10 to 12 years old it is a (harmam-kardon singature series systeam) now the problem i have been geting the sound at times is distortion with blu-ray films normal dvd films seem to be ok but if i play the same blu-ray film just thou my tv it then seems to be ok as well and i also have the latist firmwear for my blu-ray player can it be my receiver not decoding blu-ray sound proble. but as i sed playering normal dvds seems to be ok thou my surrond sound. Can some one help thanxs?