I need a 2nd hand amp w/ phono stage


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all - I need a cheap-as-chips 2nd amp and it must have a phono stage. I notice on feeBay that half-decent 2nd hand entry level amps of yesteryear can be had for as little as 20 quid. So let's call that my limit. I am brassic, after all. My simple question - what makes and models should I be looking for? I'll be using it for rock and pop. I don't like harsh treble (who does?), and have a preference for a warmer sound. If that helps.
HI robbiekins, £20 is a big ask,on ebay at the moment is a Kenwood ka3020e,not a bad amp in its day,its at £11.50 at the moment.
Sansui AU2200. They come up quite frequently on Ebay, have a superb phono stage and a nice warm, musical sound. I still use one in my second system and I love it to bits, despite the fact that its now 30 years old.
Yeah - thanks Paul! I am actually watching that one but I reckon the number of bids will push it over my (ridiculously low) limit. Maybe I'll throw in a bid, see what happens. I'm also watching a yamaha ax 430 (but can;t find any reviews on line).
matthewpiano:Sansui AU2200. They come up quite frequently on Ebay, have a superb phono stage and a nice warm, musical sound. I still use one in my second system and I love it to bits, despite the fact that its now 30 years old.

Good info - thanks matthew.
Arcam Alpha 5 - don't hesitate to recommend it. Still have mine, good build, good phono stage, nice sound, just don't partner it with other warmish sounding kit and it'll do the job.
The 5+ goes for more right enough JD, but the original Alpha 5 can be had for about £40 as well I think. The 2 was a nice one in its' day as I recall as well.
I'd recommend the Creek CAS4040. The Arcam Alpha was a good amp too.
Yes yes, the creek cas4040 version 1 or 2. Definatley recommend adn I think it's probably one of the best value bit of kit you can get. Search ebay for them every now and then, though I seen em go for 40-60 quid sometimes. But worth it.


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