Sorry PP, i'm not familiar with the brand.
To chuck something else into the ring. One of the guys at Steve's Hifi is selling his own personal deck at the store. I saw it last week and it's a bit of a beaut. Tecnics SL-150 with an SME 3009 arm and a Shure V15 cart. It's going for £295, which is a massive bargain, when you consider what those 3009 go for on e-bay.
To chuck something else into the ring. One of the guys at Steve's Hifi is selling his own personal deck at the store. I saw it last week and it's a bit of a beaut. Tecnics SL-150 with an SME 3009 arm and a Shure V15 cart. It's going for £295, which is a massive bargain, when you consider what those 3009 go for on e-bay.