Thanks for all the contributions. Lots of different stuff going on here.
Neuphonix said:
For most listening I use Minimserver on my NAS controlled via Kinsky on my iPad. Minimserv is free & it's great, the browsing structure just seems to suit my needs. Also now has the Minimstream add on for on the fly conversion if you desire.
Have also tried J-River / J-Remote on the Mac (no Linux version for NAS yet although it is coming). I would have to say that this is the solution that I would like to use, lots of configuration options. The MAC version I find is still very buggy though. I suspect that a program like this might struggle on a NAS, really needs the extra processing power of a fully fledged computer.
Cheers Neuphonix,
These both sound like options I should look into. Ideally I would want to run the server software on a NAS. I think Synology do NAS drives with heavyweight processing power, so I don't think that would be a problem. The difficulty I have at the moment is that my NAS, the Synology DS213J, has a rather niche ARM processor, and the common server software packages won't install on it.
Longjohn said:
For storage and playback I use an excellent Asrock Vision 3D media PC running Windows 7 Ultimate and use Foobar for setting up playlists. I'm very happy with its playback performance, too. For this, I run the signal via asynchromous USB into my Arcam rDAC. If I want remote control, I use the FoobarCon app for Android.
I also use Foobar as an internet radio tuner, and I'm very impressed by the performance I get from the 320 kbps/s BBC Radio 3 AAC or WMA streams.
Interesting. Does it run Spotify natively?
Longjohn said:
I have a Synology DS213 (with 2 x 3TB Western Digital Red Drives) waiting in the wings, but I haven't started to use it yet. I would very much like some advice on the best audio playback software for this NAS.
See above. Not good news if yours is the DS213J, I'm afraid.
steve_1979 said:
for general day to day listening I find that good old WMP suits my needs best because I like the user interface. It's missing a few functions that the more complicated media players have but if you just want to listen then it's dead simple and easy to use. Selecting music from the standard Windows 7 filing system is straight forward as is creating or editing playlists. Most mornings it just right click on the WMP icon and select 'play all' which plays my entire music collection in a random order.
It's a long time since I looked at WMP. I recall it being horrid, but maybe I need to take another look. No native Spotify though, I guess.
James7 said:
Interesting that in your experience, in your specific set-up, sound quality improves if a NAS is connected directly into the USB input rather than via ethernet to something like a Sonos then presumably via co-axial to the DAC. This may just be the extra connections / hardware between NAS and DAC, or maybe something to do with the asynchronous nature of the USB input. I don't use streamers much but have found pligging flash drives into my Squeezebox USB port to sound better than sending music via ethernet or wirelessly. Bryston took this approach with their digital players - not streamers in any real sense of the word as they are designed to take music from a number of USB devices. I see the new Sony players have built in hard drives so music is transferred via ethernet but then played from an internal drive.
Some good software is obviously what you are looking for at the moment and I cannot really help there, I am afraid, but I wonder in the long run if you really want to get the best out of that Devialet of yours whether something like the Bryston BDP-1 may be a solution.
Yes, my suspicion is that async USB is the way to go.
The Bryston is pretty pricy and doesn't support ALAC. I don't fancy transcoding all my files! One plus point is AES/EBU, but the Moon MiND 180D also has this and costs less than half the price. And then there's the question of the user interface, which I really want to get right.
busb said:
Most SW doesn't handle tagging of classical music that well at all! I currently use both iTunes & Spotify on a Mac Mini. As has been discussed, iTunes' interface isn't that great but Apple's Remote app makes navigation fairly easy. iTunes isn't very good at finding cover art as well! Spotify works well enough on a Mac but has no remote control ap despite my iPhone having Spotify installed.
Don't talk to me about tagging! I've just finished re-ripping 300 classical CDs. Torture!
I did try using Apple Remote to control iTunes on an iPad. It's a rather circuitous solyution for me, as the music is on a NAS. It works, but ...