How to set up and position your speakers


Well-known member
Mar 8, 2012
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It always puzzles me that speaker manufacturers specify to put speakers on stands and a certain space away from the wall and each other. But their publicity photos often show them positioned on a single piece of furniture - often with a turntable, and pushed back against the wall with a parallel focus - not toed in.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2020
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I wonder if anyone has performed a proper controlled study of ‘running in’ hifi equipment whether it be speakers, electronic equipment or analogue sources? While it seems more plausible that components which move, such as speaker cones, could benefit from doing this than, say, electronic ones (ever ran in a laptop?) I have yet to be fully convinced of its benefit in any situation.
I say this because I wonder if it is actually our ears/brains which are being ‘run in’ rather than the equipment, by which I mean we simply become more accustomed to the characteristics of the component over time and wrongly ascribe this ‘improvement’ to the equipment bedding in.
I have observed this most often when changing back to headphones I have previously used. Suddenly the original raw edges are there again until I get used to them once more.
It would be fascinating to conduct a study which objectively tests this.
What are thoughts about furniture between speakers, ie, along the wall, parallel to the speakers, speakers which would be positioned (50cm +) away from the wall? I'm not suggesting the HiFi equipment or a TV be between the speakers but perhaps a coffee/side table, or sideboard, or maybe even a cushioned bench? The idea is to 'break up' the large flat wall surface. Is this likely to improve sound or deteriorate it? I do appreciate that there is a need to experiment but I don't want to spend money on a sideboard (say) & then find the overall audio is poorer, so looking to hear about others' experiences please.
You might want to ask your question in the main hifi forum. This subsection is not heavily trafficked and this thread is the best part of three years old.


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