how much is a rega apollo worth second hand?


as the question title says, how much would you think an apollo would sell for second hand?

Well Rega sort of scuppered things a bit by dropping the official Apollo price from £598 to £475 a while back.

If it is mint condition and boxed then 60 - 65 percent of new should be about right. (Any more than that and a customer may as well get a new or ex-dem one with 3 years warranty from a dealer.)
So you think £375 is a bit steep in mint condition? What if I could get it for £350?
potboyslim:So you think £375 is a bit steep in mint condition? What if I could get it for £350?

Depends on whether you consider it worth just the £100 extra to get a factory fresh, sealed model* with dealer and manufacturer's guarantee. (Audio-T for instance give a 3 year guarantee on Rega CD players.)

*And with the option of black or silver if you buy new.
Add the "Offers" button to see if that helps things along. I'm a little cynical with selling things but I reckon you'de be lucky to get much over £300.
If u are willing to arrange postage, you might get as high as GBP400. I just sold my 1 year old rega apollo in Aug to a purchaser in australia for GBP 400 via ebay.


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