How long can a VGA cable be?


New member
Jan 16, 2013
Wife wants security cameras put up inside and outside her office building. I plan on putting one outside each door to the outside world.

The DVR is going in my office, which doubles up as the server room, IT cupboard and general dumping area.

I would like to put a small VGA LCD screen on the wall inside the door, so we can see who's outside before opening the door, but that's going to be 30 or 40 feet from the DVR source.

Will a VGA cable work over those distances?
Benedict_Arnold said:
Wife wants security cameras put up inside and outside her office building. I plan on putting one outside each door to the outside world.

??? Are you really that frightened that someone will steal your shoe polish?
jjbomber said:
Benedict_Arnold said:
Wife wants security cameras put up inside and outside her office building. I plan on putting one outside each door to the outside world.

??? Are you really that frightened that someone will steal your shoe polish?

Seriously, there's been a spate of break ins at her complex. The security cameras have been sitting in a box for three years too.


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