How best to proceed with multiple digital music sources..


New member
Jun 9, 2015

Where do I start with a NAS.. ? It's probably a very old topic on here but I am quite new to NAS/Hard Drives and Streamers.

I have a small cd collection, I also use iplayer on my laptop plugged into my amp. Now the most recent development is the very convenient Amazon Music Player app. I don't have a vast mp3 collection but I can see it growing. Plus I've just become aware of buying music via Qobuz.

What I plan to do next is to get a NAS or USB Hard drive device and a very good Cambridge Audio CXN Streamer.

I like GOOD quality sound. I don't like using my laptop for storing my music as you tend to change your laptop every 2 years, and laptops fail.

My system is currently LINN & CREEK front end, Audiolab amps, and Tannoy floorstanders, and always Sennheiser headphones.

My questions are:

1) If I want to move forward and collate my music to NAS and a Network streamer will I be able to move all my iplayer tracks to the NAS? I guess the Amazon Music Player app is accessed direct via the Network Streamer. Ideally I want to take my laptop completely out of the loop and will get a android tablet to communicate with the Streamer.

2) Which NAS is a good one? I like reliability and dependability. Something that will out last me.

3) Whats the difference between a USB hard drive and NAS.. ? Is there more storage on NAS?

4) Is downloaded music from Qobuz stored in the NAS via my laptop?

5) Will the NAS show all my music to the Network streamer so its all in one place for selection?

6) Am I short changing myself by using mp3 as a source? Does the quality vary depending on where you get them? Amazon say that their mp3 qualities do vary.

7) Do I connect the NAS to the router or can I connect the NAS direct to the Network Streamer? Or is it the USB hard drive that can only connect direct to the Network streamer?

8 ) Why would a Network Streamer be better than my laptop connected to my amp with regards to quality?

9) Do high quality usb leads matter ?

Thats it.. I hope I am allowed more than one question in one topic.

Cheers Chebby.. I'll check it out.. cannot wait to get it all up and running smoothly.. It's been a long time since I fired up my boxes properly !
Well I can help you get one thing out of the way for starters:

Stevie9 said:

9) Do high quality usb leads matter ?

Other than choosing one that's made well enough to last and not drop apart, no. Ignore well-meant but misleading advice which tries to tell you otherwise. The differences some people claim to hear from different USB leads (disappointingly, including WHF reviews) cannot exist in the digital domain. You won't change any digital lead, be it audio or video, and get crisper highs, tighter bass, wider soundstage, better separation, stronger colours, blacker blacks, whiter whites, nor any other anachronistic comparatives associated with analogue.
Meh let's cover a few more:
1) You can store any rips or downloads to a NAS or external hard drive, yes. 2) Unless you feel you've got a very short time to live, it's unlikely you'll find what you want. Hard drives suffer from wear and tear, you won't find any manufacturer that warants their IT products for the length of time we used to associate with old analogue gear. That's why it's absolutely vital to make backups regularly. 3) In its strictest sence NAS just simply means Network Accessed Storage. The device plugs into your router not your computer's USB and so can be accessed by any computer on your home network. Beyond hat, some NAS decives include firmware that can actually play/push content to your devices and function as a media server. 4) Pass, I don't use Qobuz 5) Yup, even the cheaper ones like my 3TB Lacie Cloudbox 6) Not necessarily, but you're right, MP3 quality does vary a lot and it's always wise if possible to use high quality lossless rips from CDs, or lossless downloads (few and far between though in the UK). 7) NAS connects to your router, but just to confuse things, some streamers (and all-in-one systems with a streaming facility) are more than happy to stream from a USB hard drive. 8 ) It wouldn't necessarily, in terms of sound quality. But a NAS is usually preferable from a convenience point of view, for a start you don't have to leave your laptop on all the time when you want to play music. 9) covered that in my little rant lol
that did have line-breaks in it when I typed it...not like I can even edit it. Stupid, archaic, poorly-built shitty forum.
Thanks very much Major.. thats cleared up a lot of things.. it's much more straight forward than I realised..
MajorFubar said:
9) Do high quality usb leads matter ?

Other than choosing one that's made well enough to last and not drop apart, no. Ignore well-meant but misleading advice which tries to tell you otherwise. The differences some people claim to hear from different USB leads (disappointingly, including WHF reviews) ....

Sadly true including a robust defence of technical ignorance from one of it's editors! ...

(The article prompted 98 responses which is unprecedented for a 'news' item and was indeed a 'great debate' as billed. However they have all, conveniently, been deleted.)
Stevie9 said:
2) Which NAS is a good one? I like reliability and dependability. Something that will out last me.

Technology moves on so fast that whatever you do today may not outlast you. A simple one to get started on is the WD MyCloud. It's a 2 minute job to set it up, even if wi-fi rather than ethernet.
I've asked about a NAS a couple of times but never did sort one out.

I just use Apple Match, or Google Music also AVAILIBLE.


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