Hey guys
I have a 10 month old child and he is close to knocking down Down the speakers and is constantly hitting the buttons and knobs on the receiver, cable box, etc. So I need some advice from others who have children
1. Equipment rack
Is there an equipment storage solution that has WAF and is child proof so the kid cannot access the boxes? I use a logitech remote so it needs line of sight, but maybe that works behind glass doors?
2. Speakers
My speakers are a 12 years old and wife hates the box design. So I was thinking of getting some new home theater speakers. I am looking at orb audio mod4. The combo living/dining room is 40m2. The orbs are small, but have great reviews and supposedly generate enough volume. They have high WAF and can mount on walls and ceiling. Does anyone have experience with them? Would you recommend them?
I have a 10 month old child and he is close to knocking down Down the speakers and is constantly hitting the buttons and knobs on the receiver, cable box, etc. So I need some advice from others who have children
1. Equipment rack
Is there an equipment storage solution that has WAF and is child proof so the kid cannot access the boxes? I use a logitech remote so it needs line of sight, but maybe that works behind glass doors?
2. Speakers
My speakers are a 12 years old and wife hates the box design. So I was thinking of getting some new home theater speakers. I am looking at orb audio mod4. The combo living/dining room is 40m2. The orbs are small, but have great reviews and supposedly generate enough volume. They have high WAF and can mount on walls and ceiling. Does anyone have experience with them? Would you recommend them?