I am planning on buying a sony blu ray player to match my sony w5500. I love the tv but at times im unimpressed by the speaker. I have decided full surround would be inappropriate and to much hassle for the time being. All i want is two front speakers to run audio from my sky, blu ray, tv and possibly my wii. I was looking at B&W MT-1 speakers. Attractive, good all rounders and i could complete the set in the future. im lost when it comes to audio set ups and configurations. Do stand alone blu ray players support speakers at all or do you HAVE to buy an av (dont have the space for one). what wiring do you use between the speakers and box (coaxial optical?) lastly im guessing you can get the tv to direct all sound out put through speakers connected to another device? All help appreciated. tried researching the above but all i get is that for the best audio use hdmi between the boxes and tv completely ignoring the cables leading to the speakers