matt49 said:
Maybe someone can enlighten us.
Hmmm, that's a very tall order, and a big ask . . .
Not because of any particular shortcomings in the contributors, or readers following this thread, but rather because it is a very technical subject, requiring quite a high degree of academic ability, and practical familiarity, with the design process of modern DAC chip assemblies.
I hesitate even to get involved with such an attempt, as it is somewhat adrift from the question raised by the OP . . .
However, in response to your request for enlightenment, this paper delivered to the Audio Engineering Society about 10 years ago might be of assistance.
There are a few caveats which I might suggest, which are that developments of very sopisticated ultra high performance DAC chips have been extensive in the last five years or so, to the extent that the best chips available exceed the requirements of domestic audio by a considerable margin, and are low cost components too, nowadays, due to the very high volume demand. They are often used in devices such as mobile phones and many audio related products, and are not restricted to 'so-called Hi-End audiophile' products. Any quality device might contain such a DAC chip, costing from about £30 upwards.
Furthermore, the best DACs, even in quite low cost devices, are now so good that, pretty much, they all sound the same. Even stand-alone high cost (£ thousands) high end audiophile DACs. This is borne out by recent ABX tests, carried out by hifi enthusiasts, and published on the forums. Many of the participants expressed high preferences, and 'night and day' differences, when demonstrating the DACs under sighted conditions, but were unable to detect any sonic differences under controlled ABX blind test conditions.
IMO, good modern DACs all sound very similar indeed, under domestic listening conditions, even in comparitively low cost equipment, like mobile phones, and WiFi streamers like Sonos and Airport Expresses.
You have been warned
Audio Engineering Convention Paper, 2005.
Wolfson WM8741 very high performance dac information, and data sheet.
JC :wave: