It seems that some people are making the tenuous assumption that 'high-end' and high price equals superior quality. This is a mistake and one that will cost you dearly in monetary terms if audio quality is your only goal.
Affordable products like the Squeezebox Touch, amongst many others, are in fact superb and spending thousands on dedicated high end streamers will not neccessarily result in any audible benefits. Digital audio technology is reliable and very cheap these days, requiring a relatively small investment for superb reproduction. And it really is the case that a cheap nettop/laptop can be every bit as good a transport as any high end streamer in producing a digital signal. In fact a computer is far more versatile and will allow access to more formats than any streamer could hope to. They also have larger screens for viewing any media selection.
Of course, if you want to spend the amount of money that 'high-end' demands then that's what you should do, after all, some of the pricier components do look quite nice. Just be aware that all that glitters etc...
Affordable products like the Squeezebox Touch, amongst many others, are in fact superb and spending thousands on dedicated high end streamers will not neccessarily result in any audible benefits. Digital audio technology is reliable and very cheap these days, requiring a relatively small investment for superb reproduction. And it really is the case that a cheap nettop/laptop can be every bit as good a transport as any high end streamer in producing a digital signal. In fact a computer is far more versatile and will allow access to more formats than any streamer could hope to. They also have larger screens for viewing any media selection.
Of course, if you want to spend the amount of money that 'high-end' demands then that's what you should do, after all, some of the pricier components do look quite nice. Just be aware that all that glitters etc...