Gazzip said:
steve_1979 said:
Gazzip said:
Something bad happened to me after the show...
I ended up being given an audition of some active Adam studio monitors. They were S5A-MKII's I think? Unfortunately (for my wallet) these were game changers and clearly showed the true difference in SQ between active and passive designs. So much more dynamic power and clout than anything I had seen that day or have heard before. Having invested so much time and money in building a passive system I have to admit to feeling a little crest fallen.
I love my system and thought I had reached my audio nirvana, only to discover another range of mountains as I reached what I thought was the peak for me. Where does this all end!!!
Welcome to the darkside.
Unfortunately you've just missed a pair of £12,000 Adam Audio Tensor Gamma active speakers which sold for £2,950 on ebay. Lovely speakers.
Things do crop up from time to time, for example there is a rather nice looking pair of Adam Compact Classic models up for £850.
Older models admitedly but at a similar level to the S2X monitors, smaller two way versions of the beasts that you heard. They have a 7inch bass driver and 200 + 50 watt (rms) amplifiers, maybe not quite potent enough to scratch your particular itch but a hell of a speaker for someone.
A general word of warning when buying studio speakers, once you get above a certain price point, I would reckon about £2.5-3.5k, you start paying a lot of money for bass extension and output capability, serious midfield monitors need to be 'unburstable'.
For a lot of domestic setups they are simply too much, though it would be interesting to see how big monitors fair in your room. For most hi-fi users, speakers in the price range mentioned above would probably be enough, models like the Event Opals, Unity Audio 'The Rock, PMC TwoTwo.5 and the aforementioned Adam S2X. Although I have not heard them, the PSI 'Studio Red' series, mentioned very favourably in the show report elswhere are worth checking out too.