I must have dreamed that era where everyone copied songs off the radio onto well worn cassettes and did high speed dubbing from used up tapes onto used up tapes to be copied onto other tapes. Only to be played onto whatever cheap radio, possibly stereo, or heard through the worst headphones, you know the ones, that weird foam that was scratchy and always fell off and held onto your head by super cheap spring steel. Playing at maybe 24kps. We all loved it, we were all fine with it, it was cool. The iPod with it's cheap way buds is far superior in every way. Even a $9.99 pair of skull candy is better than what we had.
Sure, what we have now is better, what was available then was better. Only the people who care upgraded. No one would or should trade higher quality sound for the awesome memories the great music made. Low bit, 128, sounds perfectly fine for nearly everyone. It makes them happy, it makes them dance. Stop harshin the buzz man.