Heybrook HB2 Speakers with muffled sound


New member
Jan 25, 2014
Hey everybody

I have been having problems I recently got given a set of Heybrook HB2 speakers with an Arcam A60 Amplifier. One of the speaker units is very muffled compared to the other, and has to be turned up much more to be able to hear anything. I have already swapped the speakers between the left and right channel, and I have swapped the cables over on either side as well and I have still had no luck. If anyone could help or point me in the direction of a trusted Speaker repair service I would be greatly appreciated. If anyone could also predict possible costs of repair that would be great.

Many Thanks


Al ears

Well-known member
Perhaps this thread might help:-


I used to live in Plymouth and owned the HB1's and even had the boss himself come to setup my speakers when I later invested in the HB3's.

The speaker repair place of choice is www.wilmslow-audio.co.uk but having said that you might find it cheaper to keep an eye on Ebay where the HB2's go for about £70. Buy a pair as backup parts?

Also I'd keep an eye out for the HB1's, a smaller but much better speaker in my view.

Welcome to the forum by the way.

Having said all that do try to hang on to the Heybrooks they are a brilliant speaker and come from a great designer in Peter Comeau.