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Aug 10, 2019
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Nov 15, 2008
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Personally I think that although the 807 would drive either of those speakers with ease, your ratio between receiver and speakers is out. I would be looking at a cheaper receiver to power either of those speaker setups e.g. Yamaha RX-V1065 at £500 or so or maybe Denon 1910. This would free up your budget for either better speakers or some blurays!


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Jun 30, 2008
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  • First of all consider your budget to see how much you can afford, then factor in for all the cabling, stands and wallbrackets.Once you have figured that out, then decide traditional or sub/sat and whether you want the system for movies, games or music.Imho traditional speakers sound better than most sub/sat packages. Looking at your suggested choices, i think you want a compact stylish system and both choices seem good, the only thing is the MA vectors haven't got so much recongition as the QA, so i would audition them. i would look at these combinations. Onkyo 807 can run quite demanding speakers, so if you feel you might want to uppgrade soon then this isn't a bad choice at £599, but money could be saved to get a better allround system. Let us know your buget and room layout.
    • QA 2000 and Onkyo 607, Denon 1910, Yamaha 1065
    • MA Vectors and same amps
    • Tannoy Arena-lites and same amps
    • Kef 2005.3 and same amps
    • QA 1010i and add 1030i or 1050i for fronts and Denon 2310, Yammy 2065 Onkyo 807
    • Kef 3005se and same amps


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