Help - Standalone, dedicated CD player....does it make a difference?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
My current system now comprises of : MS902i on soundstyle z2s, Marantz PM6002, VDH speaker cables and interconnects, but temporarily i'm using my Denon DVD 1740 as my cd player. I've no issues (in fact i think it's good) with the sound quality, but was wondering if there's improvement to be gained, if say i'd to get a marantz cd5003 or a nad c515bee? Or will any cd players thats below 200 quids makes a significant difference as compared to my denon, or I shouldnt be bothered at all? I'm saying this as my budget currently only permits up to 200.
Keep your Denon, borrow a DAC from your dealer if you can and hear if it makes a difference - you're bound to get an improvement and versatility to boot. And you won't be saddled with two disc players.
Just an update, bought a CA304c as a dedicated CDP to replace my Denon. I was amazed, that during the audition, it tops out on the Denon, even the CA being a budget machine.

At first, i was thinking that it will be bright when pairing with my Marantz PM6002 and MS902i, but boy was I wrong. Vocals were smooth and projected clearly, never a slightest hint of harshness setting in. In fact i think it sounded way better than CA340A which it meant to compliment. With CA340A and CA340C on my MS902i it was slightly bright and siblant, it has some 'edgy' sound to it.

I've even testet with Marantz CD6002 (although this is out of my budget). Midrange were airier, wider soundstaging, but it seemed to be bright and fatiguing after a while. And I was expecting the CA to be bright,.

Well, seemed like CA CDP and Marantz amp makes good synergy as well.


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