help needed choosing the right lcd and home theatre kit for £1000


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi everyone Im looking to buy a new lcd and home theatre kit for around £1000 I had intended buying the samsung LE40A656A1HD with a samsung HT-X710T/XEU Rose black 2.1 Home Theatre system for £980 from argos but its been out of stock for 2 months now and every week they change the expected delivery date I have since found out there are problems with manufacturing the product (from an argos employee so it could be lies)

So Im starting to look elsewhere and I know this is going to sound pathetic I choose the samsung set becase of the size and colour (yes im a girl lol)

So can anyone help me choose something similar for around the same price

I would use the tv for mainly watching DVDS, Playing on the Wii/PS3 and watching hd channels.. so any help would be very much apreciated!

Thanks in advance

i think you can still get that tv online for about £680 , my friend has one and it is a very good tv for the money in my opinion , im sure you could get the surround system online also , and for both it should cost less than a grand , im not sure about the length of warranty .. ill check it out and post my findings here ..
pixmania have the samsung le40a656a for £699 with a 2 year warranty , and the home cinema for £316.65 . about £13 for delivery , both are in stock , argos are a little cheaper , but if they dont have them ?
Thanks very much for that Im useless at researching prices Is the pixmania site good for delivery and everything? I have never used that site before

Thanks again
Thanks very much for that Im useless at researching prices Is the pixmania site good for delivery and everything? I have never used that site before

Thanks again
i honestly dont know much about pixmania , i would imagine they are ok to deal with , ive never heard anything negative about them , their prices seem ok , why dont you give them a ring and see what they say ?
actually delivery from pixmania is £77 , that sounds a bit much , there is another site selling them cheaper on pricerunner , just go there and put in details of the tv . all the best prices are shown ..


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