help me select what to buy next...


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2008
right you all seem to know loads about artists, so i am looking for some new music, i like all sorts but am after some female vocalists in a similar style to Katie Melua, nora jones etc.........suggestion welcome!
[quote user="timwileman"]right you all seem to know loads about artists, so i am looking for some new music, i like all sorts but am after some female vocalists in a similar style to Katie Melua, nora jones etc.........suggestion welcome![/quote]

Well you've come to the right place, I am Angsty-Female-Singer-Songwriter Man.

Joni Mitchell, Sarah McLachlan, Shawn Colvin, Paula Cole, Indigo Girls, Fiona Apple, others I forgert - I shall have a dig.

I take it you already own Famous Blue Raincoat by Jennifer Warnes, since it's kind of obligatory?
Yes, Eva has a beautiful voice, but could have done with some more interesting material if you ask me. FBR is required listening, both from a performance and recording point of view though. Bizarrely, I was put onto it by hearing her perform 'First We Take Manhattan' on...............Wogan.

Let me know if you want pointers to first album to get from any of the other artists.
cool, and many thanks i some stuff to try out there, i will also order some stuff by 'The Sundays' as i remember going to see them when i was a stoodent...quite some time ago......
[quote user="timwileman"]similar style to Katie Melua, nora jones etc.........suggestion welcome![/quote]


My mum's favourate female vocal album but she also a big fan of Metallica
Nerina Pallot, Kate Bush (how I for got her first time I don't know. d'oh), Natalie Merchant (solo or 10,000 Maniacs), The Carpenters (swoon), Judie Tzuke, Aimee Mann, Alison Krauss........
cheers guys keep em coming!...............i have plenty of ella, Kate bush and carpenters (close to you was the first dance at my wedding.......ohhh another thread to start 🙂 now have on order some of the suggestions, but will also add some sophie b hawkins and some alison krauss...............cheers!..................oh yes i do also have a load of metallica, maiden (seen both in concert ages ago) etc................................
There are a few gorgeous tracks on Adele's debut album. I played an old Sade album the other day too - stunning!! And let's not forget my Dad's favourite, Carole King.


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