Help me choose a good speaker for 6mx4m room.


New member
May 12, 2013
I will be having an audio room sized 6m x 4m and im able to put the speakers on either walls. Totally new but i have an audio research sp16 preamp and audio research vs115 poweramp (both tubes). Looking for a speaker to match these amps.

I listen to a variety of music, instrumental jazz, ecm jazz, vocals, rock, blues and electronic are my preferred genre. Looking for some big staging, good imaging and non fatique listen. good bass is a priority to me. Also im looking for something intimate and fun, and musical accuracy is far off my priority list. So i dont mind colored sound as long as i could enjoy the music. Dynamic and musicality over neutrality. Hope you get what i meant 🙂

With the size of the room i have (non treated but may be open to treatment), would a floor stander be recommended or should i stick with bookshelf +sub? Heres some option that i looked at. Hopefully someone can give me more recommendation and advice for my needs.

Heres some choice

-Proac D28

-Proac D18 (not sure provide enough bass)

-Proac studio 140 mk2

-Used proac response 3

-Monitor audio gx300

-Sonus faber cremona m

-sonus faber cremona auditor m

-Bower wilkins pm1 + sub (p1vd)

-dynaudio focus 260

-dynaudio confidence c1

-used Vienna acoustics mahler

-harbeth shl5

-others 🙂

Cheers all
You should add Neat elites, too, not to mention Magnepan if you have space from the wall. They're probably the pick of the bunch, though I'm not sure how they'd go with eloctronic stuff.
Welcome to the forum, with your lovely system.

The speakers you choose will depend on how well the amp behaves into a difficult load.....but being from AR, I suspect it will be very robust.

Speakers you haven't mentioned are:

- Kef R Series (R700 )

- Possibly Kef Ref Series (203/2)...difficult impedance.

- Audio Note AN-E

Of the brands you listed, I like the look of Proac, SF (more difficult impedance) and Harbeth.

Edit. Given this review, power shouldn't be a problem:;4988/9216
Yup Maggies would be a most excelent choice as long as you have the space behind the speakers (to the side is far less important)
The AR amp looks to be more than up to the job with a quad of KT120s each side and a 4ohm tap! 8)

The Audion Sterling Plus (KT88 or KT120) was OK with the MMGs I had although not perfect as it only had an 8ohm tap on the output transformers.

I thought the MMGs forte was electronic/dance music, no bass overhang (as to be expected) and really good dynamics/attack on drums.
will the magnepan 3.7 fit my room or the amp?

My top choices so far after lots and lots of readings are:

-harbeth shl5

-proac d28

-bower wilkin pm1 + pv1d

-magnepan 3.7

-vienna acoustic mahler (used)
kingsap said:
will the magnepan 3.7 fit my room or the amp?

My top choices so far after lots and lots of readings are:

-harbeth shl5

-proac d28

-bower wilkin pm1 + pv1d

-magnepan 3.7

-vienna acoustic mahler (used)

I would obviously champion your choice of Harbeth speaker, but I believe Wilson is supposed to be a very good partner for Audio Research amplification.



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