The problem is I cannot demo them.
Local retailer who has the 608 and 808 has only Bose speakers and the retailer who has the RX2 I am meeting to listen to them this week, however they do not have Yamaha or Onkyo AVRs.
So I am going based on the reviews, since I live in Malta and cannot demo anything basically.
That's why I have to ask a lot of questions!
Hi abriffa
Thanks for your response.
Fair enough. Ask the dealers if they are willing to loan you the components. If not then i feel the safest bet is the TX-NR608 and BX Series combination or at a push subsititute the TX-NR608 for the RX-V1067.
Fwiw, Monitor Audio themselves were also using the TX-NR608 with the BX Series at the Bristol show last week to great effect
All the best
Rick @ Musicraft
Thanks for your response, however I decided on the RX2 5.1 AV package as it will also serve me better for the future, as I don't want to upgrade anytime soon. And I just need to know what is the best AVR to drive them according to what other users/people with a bit of experience have heard. I can listen to every monitor audio speaker cause we have a local retailer in Malta, however I cannot demo them on the Yamaha or the Onkyo receivers.
Hi abriffa
Thanks for your response and fair enough.
Onkyo's TX-NR808 and Yamaha's RX-V2067 are both suitable for the Silver RX2 AV12 package. I would personally go for the RX-V2067 and as bigboss said earlier on Yamaha AV amps are known to pair beautifully with Monitor Audio speakers
In my experience this combination generally gives (amongst their other qualities) a sound which is highly detailed, rich with timbre, dynamic, fast (without being in the face) and has an overall 'feel' which can be listened to for hours without fatigue with movie or music soundtracks.
Btw, i've not seen the Samsung tv however i will say the new Panasonic range might be worth waiting for.
All the best
Rick @ Musicraft