Help matching phono stage to pre amp


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2007

My Dad has an Audio Research LS17. It's a great amp but doesn't match so well with his moving coil cartridge as the gain has to be so high. The current batch of AR phono stages are completely out of his budget, so the secondhand market it is.

I thought maybe he could look for a AR PH1 to turn up at a reasonable price, but does anyone have any suggestions for other solutions?

Thanks in advance.

Thanks both.

That's really helpful and both sites have given me some ideas to pass on.

One question you could help me with if possible.

What was the ratio of how much you spent on the phono stage vs the cost of your respective amps?

I'm not really familiar with phono stages, so wouldn't know what was too much or too little to spend.

Paul Clarke said:
Thanks both.

That's really helpful and both sites have given me some ideas to pass on.

One question you could help me with if possible.

What was the ratio of how much you spent on the phono stage vs the cost of your respective amps?

I'm not really familiar with phono stages, so wouldn't know what was too much or too little to spend.



I don't think there is any such thing a 'ratio to spend'. You just have to ask yourself how much do I want to spend?, then find the best you can to fit your budget.

Some people tend to work from the source trying to match price cartridge to phonoamp price.

What is your mc cartridge (high or low output?)

Set yourself a realistic budget then get back on the forum and possibly post here or the 'Turntable and LPs' sub-forum
Paul Clarke said:
Thanks both.

That's really helpful and both sites have given me some ideas to pass on.

One question you could help me with if possible.

What was the ratio of how much you spent on the phono stage vs the cost of your respective amps?

I'm not really familiar with phono stages, so wouldn't know what was too much or too little to spend.


I wouldn't look at it that way. When I decided I wanted a phono stage I was probably thinking of spending a couple of hundred quid, but I found myself drawn to the Graham Slee forum and decided to try out his top of the range MM phono stage. I was so impressed I bought it, I knew I wouldn't be happy with anything less. Including the PSU the Reflex M didn't cost a lot less than my integrated amp that I bought second hand a few years ago on eBay, but it will be replaced in due course. My philosophy has always been to buy the best I can afford at any time.

You can definitely arrange a two week home loan of the Slee stages. I would strongly advise you join the forum and borrow a couple. If you can get a home loan of some Tom Evans stages also, give them a workout too.
How does it actually sound at the moment with his Troika into LS17? Does it sound dynamic or does it sound flat and boring?

If he turns his volume up to max does that go loud enough for his ears in his room?

If his existing system does these things then I don't see any particular need for any changes. I have one system, where for generous volumes on quieter recordings the volume will be right towards the max. Sounds fine so I don't worry about it. This is a system where I don't have a linestage in a less is more philosphy.
Excuse me if I am having a 'senior moment' here but all ARC LS series pre-amps are line level only as far as I know.

I have 'owned' several along with the PH1 and PH2 so may be able to help, but your post does not make real sense.

Some more information please.
davedotco said:
Excuse me if I am having a 'senior moment' here but all ARC LS series pre-amps are line level only as far as I know.

I have 'owned' several along with the PH1 and PH2 so may be able to help, but your post does not make real sense.

Some more information please.


I see your senior moment and raise you an incompetent moment! :wall:

I should have typed SP 17 and not LS17. It's not my amp.

Thanks for raising.
I've been giving this a good bit of consideration and want to pass on the best advice to my Dad.

I see a few options.

1. Purchase a phono stage. Both Tom Evans and Graham Slee seem to be good options.

2. Purchase a new higher output MC cart or go for a MM cart. He currently has a Linn Troika. This hasn't had much use considering its age. I wouldn't know how to decide between this option.

3. Is it possible to change the input sensitivity of the SP 17? The Troika only has an output of 0.2, so really struggles to provide a strong enough signal to the amp.

Budget is of course a restriction. Maybe £650 max.

As always, all advice gratefully received.

Paul Clarke said:
davedotco said:
Excuse me if I am having a 'senior moment' here but all ARC LS series pre-amps are line level only as far as I know.

I have 'owned' several along with the PH1 and PH2 so may be able to help, but your post does not make real sense.

Some more information please.


I see your senior moment and raise you an incompetent moment! :wall:

I should have typed SP 17 and not LS17. It's not my amp.

Thanks for raising.

OK. That makes sense.

Several options, perhaps a separate phono stage such as those mentioned above, though if I recall correctly the Troika prefers a slightly higher than usual input impedence. I'm sure that Tom Evans would be able to configure a phono stage correctly so this would be my first choice, not at all cheap though.

Maybe a step up transformer, to lift the level of the Troika by a factor of 10. Can be very expensive but Icon Audio sell one for about £350. Otherwise replace the Troika with a higher output device, a high output m/c or a top end m/m.

My personal choice would be the tranformer, for what that is worth.
ifor said:
davedotco said:
My personal choice would be the tranformer, for what that is worth.

If you go this route you could consider (borrow for two weeks) one of these

There are plenty of options though some of them are not cheap. At that price I would ptobably go for the Reflex C but I am way out of touch with analogue these days. From what I can see some of the pricing looks a touch exploitative but then production numbers must be pretty small these days.
ifor said:
davedotco said:
From what I can see some of the pricing looks a touch exploitative ...

The reviews and feedback suggest anything but.

Glad to hear that.

As I say I am really out of touch in this area, really only got involved as I am a ARC fan and ex-user.

Maybe I am getting to the age when anything that costs more than 5 shillings starts to look pricy....... :doh: