Help! Mains cable vs HDMI interference.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2007
Please help! Potentially, I'm going to have a horizontal bundle of HDMI/SCART/component cables crossing (literally) the path of a vertical bundle of mains power cables. The bundles will be approx 7 inches apart. Is this gap sufficient to prevent the mains bundle creating interference with the HDMIs? Thanks.
I think the answer as well is to get quality cables.

Unfortunately with my 428XD I can't route the mains and HDMI cables seperately so they both run parallel to each other in 2 inch D-Line trunking up the wall, probably even touching in places. However, I have no interference.

I bought QED HDMI-P and the shielding was obviously worth the extra £'s.
I also have QED HDMI-Ps, but when I ran 'em alongside the TV's power cable in the same bundle (through a hole in the wall & into back of the TV's wall-mount, which is above a fireplace), the picture quality was awful: very soft edges, muted colours & no 'depth'. Since a rethink, the TV power cable & HDMIs are now well apart - via the black art of 'chasing' & after much dust/rubble - & all's well.

And as an aside, if anyone wants to know how to avoid EVERY conceivable pitfall, & unnecessary expense, which can be encountered when trying to mount a 42in Pana plasma above a Victorian fireplace, with all cables (5.1, DVD, PVR, PS3 etc) concealed, just ask me!
6th.replicant - I'm going to be mouting a 47" LCD panel over a victorian fireplace (house built in 1885)and cannot figure out how to conceal the cables without cutting a groove (chase) into the plaster over the fireplace. The plaster over the fireplace is harder than the plaster over the walls/ceilings. Due to the Wife Accepance Factor, there can't be any wires showing. Any suggestions? Thanks
Do you still use the fireplace? If not, then drilling right through the wall and running the wires down the chimney seems the logical answer.

If you do, then chasing is the only answer.

But won't the TV be a bit high when used above a Victorian fireplace? Or is it quite a low one?


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