Help identifying speakers?


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I've recently come into some speakers that my parents had left lying around. They're not really sure where they came from, but I was wondering if you guys could give me a bit more info on them? Whether threy're worth using in a begginner hi-fi setup? I haven't bought an amp yet. I've tried googling the model number (Sony SS-G1), and none of the versions look like my speakers. The faceplate cannot be removed, here's a photo, with CD for scale:



Well-known member
I'd take a guess that they are from a 'music centre' system, and if the wires leading from the speaker cabinet are captive (i.e. you cannot remove them from a terminal) then that is very likely their provenance.

They probably fall short of what you might reasonably call hi-fi, so I'd suggest getting something modest secondhand if funds are tight. Unless you know they work I'd not risk a new amplifier with them in case one or both speakers are damaged - a decent dealer should give them a quick checkover if you asked nicely (and buy something!).

Good luck, and welcome to the forum.


New member
Nov 19, 2008
They look like TV surround sound speakers to me, from a Trinitron CRT with Dolby Pro Logic?

EDIT: ah sorry, missed the bit about the CD for scale, so too big for Surround Sound jobbies. So as mentioned earlier, probably from a mini/midi system or similar.


New member
Apr 11, 2012
Definitely look like "something that came with something". As previously mentioned I doubt they'd really be what you'd call 'hi-fi'. I had some very very similar looking Sony speakers that came with an old all-in-one. I actually kind of liked that system, but somehow some pastry crumbs got in the CD changer and it was never quite the same after that.

Anyway, It doesn't take too much money these days to get something sounding good. If you want to begin your hifi journey, some demos at a hifi store to get a rough idea of how things stand would be a good idea.

Joseph :)


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