Help! GT30 has a strange clouding effect....what is it?

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Will do, thanks for the advice and i will be sending a letter as i've made my mind up to complain just to make them aware of the experience i've had. Watch this space for the response i get as i will post it in full when i get it.
Here we go again....

Here is the latest update today after the engineer called again today and it looks like i'm going to be in for a long hard fight with Richer Sounds.

After reporting the fault back to Richer Sounds the day after the tv came back from repair the very same engineer called today and i was able to replicate the fault with him at my premises this time by taking down the blackout curtains from my bedroom and crudely hanging them up over the net curtain in the living room, the room was then dark enough to see the clouding issue as under daylight conditions it's virtually invisible.

The engineer from Visual FX needed photographic evidence of the issue and after several minutes of trying he was unable to get a clear photograph of the issue so he went out to speak to the engineer that repaired the tv first time around. When he came back he was able to confirm that a new screen was fitted during the repair and that was the only solution, in effect that should have solved the issue but here we are again with the same problem.

As i was showing a final credit (on the Castaway bluray) to show the issue quickly he tried to say it was due to the high contrast of white on black causing it until i pointed out that the issue was there on a blank screen, the credits fade in and out so it's still clearly visible when the screen is black so that's not the issue.

I was left with no resolution as the engineer said that if they took it away then all they would do is replace the screen again which clearly isn't the issue imo, can that be right that they won't check anything else and just replace the screen in these circumstances??

I'm now left very angry and frustrated that there seems to be no resolution forthcoming and that in essence it seems that Visual FX just want to wash their hands of the problem and basically handed it over to Richer Sounds to deal with, the engineer is going to write a report on the issue and seems to be all they will do now.

Obviously i wasn't happy with the lack of a resolution today so i was straight on the phone to Citizens Advice consumer service (formally consumer direct) for some advice and that my argument now lies on three fronts, the manufacturers 1 year warranty (the tv is still just under one year old), my extended five year warranty that i purchased from Richer Sounds or a point in law under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 amended.

I was told that if Richer Sounds refuse to either replace the tv like for like or offer a refund then i can pursue the matter further for a remedy under a point of law in the Sale of Goods Act that i expect the tv to last longer than under a year free from faults and that further advice on various letters etc to be sent was available should i require it. I have a reference number and contact name for my call today and will go back to them if required but i was told to phone Richer Sounds and discuss the matter which i duly done.

After calling Richers i was told that they need to wait for the engineers report before discussing the issue further so if i don't receive a call before 3pm tomorrow i should call them back for more advice on the issue. I get a strong feeling that i might be left with this issue as it is now and that no replacement or refund offer will be forthcoming leaving me with a tv that doesn't perform correctly or indeed as it did when i purchased it and leaving me with either a legal battle or a dud tv that i can't sell on.

I was aware of the care needed in correctly calibrating a plasma tv and the run in period needed for it to perform at it's optimum so i have been very careful with the tv so it's not been abused and left on dynamic mode or something silly from new so i can confidently say i am not at fault, where do i go from here??

Any advice from those that have followed this saga so far or any forum member would be much appreciated as i'm losing clarity due to my growing frustration with the issue :help:

I'm certainly not a happy chappy right now with either Visual FX or Richer Sounds, i waited until today before writing to Julian Richer but a letter is going in the post today or tomorrow outlining the ongoing issue |(
First off, I am sorry to hear of your issue, and if I were in your shoes, I would be taking the matter all the way. If its still under the one year manufacturers warranty, I would be demanding a replacement set after all the hassle you have been through. I have the 50inch version of the GT30, and thankfully I havnt had any issues with it so far. The customer should be buying a set that is fit for purpose, which yours clearly isnt. You have paid the money for the set, I personaly would not settle for anything other than a refund or replacement set now.

Thank you very much for your support first and foremost, much appreciated. I am writing a detailed letter to Mr Julian Richer at the moment outlining my experience with this tv from day one and it doesn't make good reading for Richer Sounds.

I am now of a mind to want a replacement tv at the very least and one of equal spec to the one i purchased so a 42GT50 is all i will settle for now and nothing less, i agree with you that the tv is not fit for purpose and regardless of the t&c's of my purchase this will be (and is) my argument. Why should it be that you can only watch the tv in very bright conditions? I didn't purchase the tv for that and therefore i am going to reject it under the sale of goods act and take it from there, it wasn't like this when i purchased it either.

What i will do next is start a new thread specifically detailing the whole Richer Sounds experience i have received with this tv to see if i get any comment from them as they have frequented these forums in the past, i will take every measure open to me now as i feel i have a tv with a fault that cannot be repaired leaving me up the creek without a paddle so to speak :wall:
It's all about the sale of goods act Oldboy,the tv is faulty,the service team cannot,or will not diagnose becouse imo they can't,they can only replace screens etc as you know.the fault i reckon is with the pixels,but never the less you are intitled to a full refund or a new tv.

It would be helpfull if we could hear from some of the retailers on here,we are not talking about a £20 toaster but a grand's worth of AV aquipment,it is very worrying,makes you wonder if Curry's and the like are the best places to purchase |(

Thank you very much for your continued support my friend, it's heartening to hear i'm not alone in thinking this way.

To be completely honest i bought my tv from Richer Sounds due in most part to their reputation for after sales care on these very forums despite the potential extra cost involved but happily they price matched at the time of purchase so i got a good deal but now i'm just disillusioned with the company after years of being a loyal customer. I have never had an issue such as this with them up until this point which is why i got the tv from there in the first place but now all i can see is an extended battle ahead to get a resolution that is satisfactory.

All i can do is take the advice i have been given Citizens Advice consumer service and fight my corner, i fully expect the engineers report to not be in my favour so i am writing to Mr Julian Richer in the hope that his intervention may provide a satisfactory resolution before i start down the legal path.

Either way i will report back tomorrow with what happens and detail my next move but i will be starting a thread about my treatment by Richer Sounds in the hope they see it as the escalation of this issue now warrants it i think. Either way i think a replacement set is now warranted at the very least no??

Sorry to hear that your problem has still not been resolved, it must really make you feel bad.

Its not to much to ask really, that when something goes wrong, its put right with the minimum of fuss.

I've been looking at Panasonic TVs but what with yours and Boozercruiser's experience with repair issues I'm really having second thoughts.

I really hope you get it all sorted PDQ.
I haven't read the full thread Oldboy, but I do sympathise with you. I think your approach of writing directly to Julian Richer is the probably the best way to reach a satisfactory conclusion, and I believe this is his email address should you wish to email him directly.
laserman16 said:

Sorry to hear that your problem has still not been resolved, it must really make you feel bad.

Its not to much to ask really, that when something goes wrong, its put right with the minimum of fuss.

I've been looking at Panasonic TVs but what with yours and Boozercruiser's experience with repair issues I'm really having second thoughts.

I really hope you get it all sorted PDQ.

Many thanks for the support laserman16, don't let mine and boozercruiser's experience put you off a Panasonic tv though because i still beleive they are some of the best tvs around and two bad experiences out of the many forum members isn't reason to put you off imo just be sure to get a good retailer.

I'm hoping Richers will come good in the end but i must admit i wasn't prepared for such hassle from a trusted retailer which has been disappointing to put it politely.
GSB said:
It's a pity whfi can't get a rep from richer sounds to respond on here. luck would have it i'm going to WHF HQ on the 22nd of August to participate in the big question feature so if all else fails i may resort to asking for a bit of advice then, got to be worth a go eh 😉
I haven't read the full thread Oldboy, but I do sympathise with you. I think your approach of writing directly to Julian Richer is the probably the best way to reach a satisfactory conclusion, and I believe this is his email address should you wish to email him directly.

Very handy indeed BIGBERNARDBRESSLAW thank you very much. I will email and post a copy of the letter to make sure it reaches him, after i get a reply i will decide what futher action (if any) is needed. I have included in the letter a reference to the thread on here so Mr Richer can view it if he so wishes, i really hope he gets to look at it but somehow i doubt that will happen.
One more note before i go for tonight....i have composed a letter to Mr Richer that details my experience with this tv and all the various problems i have had since day one of ownership so that includes the fact that i had 2 faulty tvs before this one so i'm on the 3rd GT30, the almost 3 month wait for the 3D specs, the green blob issue and the current clouding repair issue of one attempted repair with a new screen and the lack of a resolution to date all described in detail.

That comes to almost three whole pages of dissatisfaction but it was worth every word just to illuminate the company as to the woes i've endured with this tv, oh and throw into the mix that it's a 100 mile round trip each time to the nearest store to me and it's clear why i'm not very happy.

Until tomorrow then....

Many thanks to everyone again, your continued support is really appreciated and is spuring me on to get a resolution, it's at times like this that i really value being a part of these brilliant forums and for the simply excellent members on here :clap:
Further update:

Richer Sounds called today but not about what i was i detailed earlier i was expecting a call about the engineers report today but instead they called about the engineers visit yesterday, what's going on??

I told them about the call i made to them yesterday yet the message has now changed to it being up to 4 days before i get a call regarding the report and that if i haven't had any contact by tuesday of next week i need to contact them, i am just getting incorrect information now and differing advice depending on who i speak to...this is appauling customer service!

Time for that Richer Sounds thread to be composed about my continued bad experience, they are just making me angry now |(
I think it sounds like time for small claims court. Should make them take notice!
I really feel for you Oldboy. You might try contacting Panasonic and explain your problems with
respect to the service you have had; you initially reported the fault but need to follow this up more.

If you get nowhere with Richer nor Panasonic, get an independant engineer to examine
and produce a report for the Small claims procedure.
Thanks to both of you for your input but i don't think we are at that point yet as i have today posted a letter to the founder of Richer Sounds, Mr Julian Richer, detailing the issues with the tv from the moment i first purchased it to now and have also emailed Mr John Clayton as advised in my new thread "Richer Sounds after sales tv service, i've had a bad experience so far".

I will wait for the response from both of them and Richer Sounds customer service team before deciding what my next move will be but i am fully prepared to take it to the small claims court if i have to but i really don't want to do that as i've been a customer of Richer Sounds for years and been very happy with all the equipment i have bought from them and the service i have received up until now, i'm just hoping this is a one off and that it gets resolved soon.
StanleyAV said:
If you get nowhere with Richer nor Panasonic, get an independant engineer to examine
and produce a report for the Small claims procedure.

Oldboy said:
Thanks to both of you for your input but i don't think we are at that point yet as i have today posted a letter to the founder of Richer Sounds, Mr Julian Richer, detailing the issues with the tv from the moment i first purchased it to now and have also emailed Mr John Clayton as advised in my new thread "Richer Sounds after sales tv service, i've had a bad experience so far".

I will wait for the response from both of them and Richer Sounds customer service team before deciding what my next move will be

Hello Oldboy, you've really not had much luck with TVs so far. I had a similar problem with an LG60PZ950T television that I bought from Currys online in November. It had a quite poor black level. I don't want to hijack your thread, but after two botched repairs and many emails to Currys Customer Service they flatly refused to refund me and said that they were not obliged to do anything more - until I raised a Small Claims action for a full refund plus court costs in the Edinburgh Sherriff Court, and a cheque from Currys legal department arrived within a fortnight. Don't waste too much time emailing between Richer Sounds and Panasonic. Take Richer Sounds to court.
Son_of_SJ said:
Don't waste too much time emailing between Richer Sounds and Panasonic. Take Richer Sounds to court.

I personally think Oldboy should at least wait to hear from Panasonic/Richers.

As he has written to both the Chairman and Customer services manager at Richers they at least deserve the right of reply.

No point in escalating until you have to.
At the end of the day Richer's have a BIG reputation to uphold,now it's gone from store to managerial leval they will have no problem replacing the set if the repair company cannot diagnose the fault.

I just find it hard to take why as consumers we have to resort to this kind of action,i don't know what a store manager earn's,but in this instance he's no more use than a part-time saturday boy...or girl🙂
laserman16 said:
Son_of_SJ said:
Don't waste too much time emailing between Richer Sounds and Panasonic. Take Richer Sounds to court.

I personally think Oldboy should at least wait to hear from Panasonic/Richers.

As he has written to both the Chairman and Customer services manager at Richers they at least deserve the right of reply.

No point in escalating until you have to.

My thinking exactly!

Richer Sounds deserve the chance to sort this out before things are esculated and i beleive under law they have that right so taking any sort of legal action now would just be silly and reactionary not to mention i would most probably lose any case as i've not given them the chance to reply to my concerns.

I've taken what i beleive to be reasonable steps in order to get some sort of resolution to the issue and the two main people at the company are now (or soon will be) aware of my issue.

One course of action i took this morning has born immediate fruit, i have had contact from Mr John Clayton via email and he even tried to call me earlier but stupidly i forgot to take my phone out with me :doh: i'm now waiting for another call so hopefully i get some answers either this afternoon or tomorrow 😛ray:

At least Richer Sounds are now more aware of my situation and are endeavoring to speak to me and sort it out which is far better than has happened to date and represents a good reaction to my communications this morning, just a shame that level of customer service wasn't present from the start.

To be fair to Richer Sounds it was never dealt with at store level, the store i first purchased the tv from was my first point of contact but i was immediately told to call the customer service team as the store could not advise me what the problem may be so all communication has been through them and not the store.

Richer Sounds may have a reputation to uphold but that does not guarantee a resolution will be forthcoming eh, i do find it ridiculous that i have not received the level of customer service i was expecting with this issue given the reputation they have in this area and that it's taken some serious complaining on my part to get any movement. I just hope this is a one off and not indicitive of the after sales service others can expect when buying a tv from Richers.

All i can do now is wait and keep my fingers crossed that i get a call today and see what the response is from Mr Clayton, of course i will keep the thread updated as to if i get a call and what the outcome is.

Below is a link to a pdf on taking court action in England. From what I have read so far you need to go to page 3, 'Making a claim in the small claims track'. This will detail the letter that you need to send before a court will hear your claim. The pre-claim letter really lets the company know that it is in the smelly stuff and that you are no longer going to be screwed around.

On a personal note, we had problems with a retailer and wholesaler/importer over a rusting bench radiator. We kept getting passed one to the other but when we emailed the letter in advance of sending it 'recorded delivery' the wholesaler/importer sprung into action. They imported a new rad, sent it and seperately picked up the duff one in short order.

Best of luck with things and though it is tiring don't give up. You will eventually prevail.
Update and possible resolution!

Very many thanks for the link and information i really appreciate your and advice and experience.

This course of action is simply not needed anymore as i've had a very good conversation with Richer Sounds this morning, they called as promised and although John Clayton was out of the office today i got to speak Steven who was calling on johns behalf and Richer Sounds have offered me a full refund on the cost of the tv plus the 5 year warranty i purchased as they simply don't have the 42GT50 in stock which was what i wanted as a replacement.

So i have just under £1000 to spend on a new tv be it with Richers or elsewhere, what do i get is the next question??

Richers have the Sony KDL46HX853 in stock and is a tv i have looked at in envy but the only issue is i will have to stump up about £120 extra cash to get this tv...should i try haggling over the price or just bite the bullet and pay the extra? Of course i could go for something else if anyone has any suggestions?? Please help as i would like to get this sorted out today.

Many thanks to Steven and John Clayton for their help with my issue and for getting to a suitable resolution, without the help of fellow forum members on both of my threads i doubt i would have got such a good and speedy resolution so a big thank you from me to all of you for help and support through this difficult time :cheers: :clap:
Absolutely fab news. Quote the shop price of the Sony to John Lewis, they price-match at worse BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO FORK OUT FOR THE 5 YEAR WARRANTY, which is 10% at Richer I believe. JOb done. Really happy for you.


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