Here we go again....
Here is the latest update today after the engineer called again today and it looks like i'm going to be in for a long hard fight with Richer Sounds.
After reporting the fault back to Richer Sounds the day after the tv came back from repair the very same engineer called today and i was able to replicate the fault with him at my premises this time by taking down the blackout curtains from my bedroom and crudely hanging them up over the net curtain in the living room, the room was then dark enough to see the clouding issue as under daylight conditions it's virtually invisible.
The engineer from Visual FX needed photographic evidence of the issue and after several minutes of trying he was unable to get a clear photograph of the issue so he went out to speak to the engineer that repaired the tv first time around. When he came back he was able to confirm that a new screen was fitted during the repair and that was the only solution, in effect that should have solved the issue but here we are again with the same problem.
As i was showing a final credit (on the Castaway bluray) to show the issue quickly he tried to say it was due to the high contrast of white on black causing it until i pointed out that the issue was there on a blank screen, the credits fade in and out so it's still clearly visible when the screen is black so that's not the issue.
I was left with no resolution as the engineer said that if they took it away then all they would do is replace the screen again which clearly isn't the issue imo, can that be right that they won't check anything else and just replace the screen in these circumstances??
I'm now left very angry and frustrated that there seems to be no resolution forthcoming and that in essence it seems that Visual FX just want to wash their hands of the problem and basically handed it over to Richer Sounds to deal with, the engineer is going to write a report on the issue and seems to be all they will do now.
Obviously i wasn't happy with the lack of a resolution today so i was straight on the phone to Citizens Advice consumer service (formally consumer direct) for some advice and that my argument now lies on three fronts, the manufacturers 1 year warranty (the tv is still just under one year old), my extended five year warranty that i purchased from Richer Sounds or a point in law under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 amended.
I was told that if Richer Sounds refuse to either replace the tv like for like or offer a refund then i can pursue the matter further for a remedy under a point of law in the Sale of Goods Act that i expect the tv to last longer than under a year free from faults and that further advice on various letters etc to be sent was available should i require it. I have a reference number and contact name for my call today and will go back to them if required but i was told to phone Richer Sounds and discuss the matter which i duly done.
After calling Richers i was told that they need to wait for the engineers report before discussing the issue further so if i don't receive a call before 3pm tomorrow i should call them back for more advice on the issue. I get a strong feeling that i might be left with this issue as it is now and that no replacement or refund offer will be forthcoming leaving me with a tv that doesn't perform correctly or indeed as it did when i purchased it and leaving me with either a legal battle or a dud tv that i can't sell on.
I was aware of the care needed in correctly calibrating a plasma tv and the run in period needed for it to perform at it's optimum so i have been very careful with the tv so it's not been abused and left on dynamic mode or something silly from new so i can confidently say i am not at fault, where do i go from here??
Any advice from those that have followed this saga so far or any forum member would be much appreciated as i'm losing clarity due to my growing frustration with the issue :help:
I'm certainly not a happy chappy right now with either Visual FX or Richer Sounds, i waited until today before writing to Julian Richer but a letter is going in the post today or tomorrow outlining the ongoing issue |(