Help choosing HD projector


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Ok i am looking to buy my first ever Projector to replace my 4 year old Philips lcd. After viewing a few at friends houses i have decided to take the plunge. I will be using it for Sky HD/Blu-ray/PS3/Sky SD. I will also be looking to purchase a 90" screen.

I have noticed there is a huge difference in price so wondered what peoples thoughts are on the following:-

optoma hd20 - £850

Mitsubushi c7000 - £2,500

JVC HD 550 - £2995

If i went for the Optoma i could buy it tomorrow but with the other 2 i would probably need to wait a while to save up or get the 12 months interest free option.

I understand that all 3 have great ratings but Can anyone please help me with the difference in quality between the 3 and whether the Optoma would be ok or if i should wait for either of the other 2?


The Optoma is good for the money, but it has no lens shift at all, so you pretty much have to ceiling mount it or use stuff to prop it up to the correct angle to get the picture in the right place.For the money, the black level and sharpness is good, but it's colours are a little oversaturated (straight out of the box), suffers from rabow effect and noise, both byproducts of DLP.

The Mitsubishi is a far sharper picture, and much cleaner too. Colours are far more natural due to it being LCD, and it's the quietest projector on the market at -17B, which is pretty much silent. Black levels/contrast ratio are excellent for an LCD (usually flaw for LCD), and has full lens shift. I use one of these myself and some films look stunning.

The JVC has the best black level/contrast ratio of all three, just pipping the Mitsubishi. It's not quite as sharp or as quiet as the Mitsu, but it doesn't lack in these areas, in which it performs very well. Full lens shift on this model too. At £4k, it's a struggle to justify it over the Mitsu, but at it's reduced price at the moment, it makes the decision a little easier.

Personally, I'd save for one of the other two over the Optoma - it'll be worth it in the long run.
Thanks for the advise i have now seen the JVC 550 for £2900 and the Mitsubushi for £1895

How are these with Sky SD?

Would it be a good choice to change to projector from LCD TV?
Also do any retailers on here do part exchange as i have a 2005.2 Kef Speaker system & Philips 37PF9830/10 TV i would like to part exchange for either the JVC 550 or Mitsubushi 7000.
I don't think there will be too many retailers who do part ex on TV's, but if you can sell them privately, you'll get more.

Both the JVC and the Mitsubishi have decent video processing, but it'll come down more to what the broadcast quality of the individual channel is like, as they vary quite considerably. Some look awful and there's not much you can do about it.

At that price, I'd make sure that retailer is a genuine Mitsubishi agent - that sounds a little too cheap to me!
We would normally part ex against either unit but not the TV. As Dave mentions I would check the retailers credentials at that price - RRP is £2650
Here is the link:-
I can't say what I want to say here because I get accused of all sorts of things, when I'm just trying to make people aware, and to protect them. But I can tell you that you won't have a warranty.

I've just ordered the Epson TW3500 from ProjectorPoint.

I was in a similar position to you in that the Optoma HD20 was OK when demod, but it had some drawbacks in terms of setup plus some rainbow effect. But I didn't really want to go to 2k for a projector.

The TW3500 is a little more than the Optoma, but is LCD, and more flexible and quieter. The reviews were good.

TW2900 is also worth a look, but the TW3500 was only £100 or so more than the TW2900 but had much better contrast figures.

The Epsons might be worth considering.
Ok I really am totally undecided on which way to go a large 3D TV or HD projector?

I would welcome comments from anyone but espically retailers.

I currently have Sky HD/Blu-ray/Apple TV/Sky SD/PS3 and would mainly be watching HD programs but occasionally SD as well. I have a 3D Onkyo amp and have a large living room which is about 22 foot by 18 and would be viewing screen at about 4m away.

So my options for TV are:-

55" Samsung 3D TV @ approx £2599

50" Panasonic 3D TV @ approx £2200

JVC HD550 @ approx £2900

Mitsubushi HC7000 @ approx £2000

Please help me make my decision!
I bought the Mitsubishi projector mentioned here. I actually bought it from one of the guys in this thread.

All I can say is "it is fantastic". The upscaling makes SD broadcasts really sharp and the image is perfect from Sky HD or bluray. I am displaying it with a 10 foot diagonal and sitting about 18 feet away.

I am really pleased with it and it is a massive improvement on my previous projector.

I would save up - you will only wish you had.
It is a stunning projector. If I were to upgrade mine, I think I'd have be looking at a JVC HD990! (Not going to happen
Has anyone on here actually bought one of the 1080p projectors from China/Hong Kong via ebay for around the £300 mark? I know there probably rubbish but for £300!!!!

There must be someone who has one or seen one here!
andytucker: So what advantage does the JVC 550 have over the Mitsubushi?

The HD550 has a better black level/contrast ratio - not by a huge amount, but it's better. They're both very quiet, but the HC7000 is actually quieter. The HC7000 has the more accurate skin tones (being LCD), but both need calibrating out of the box. HC7000 has a 3 year warranty, the HD550 a 1 year (unless the dealer installs it, then it's 3). Bulb life is about the same. The HC7000 is a little sharper. The HD550 is THX specified.

So it really depends on what you look for in a projector. Some might just want a good black level, and might not care how sharp it is. Others might prefer natural skin tones nd not care about black level. For me, because the HC7000 was 5,000 hours lamp life, 3 year warranty, virtually silent, dead sharp, and excellent black level (without DLP's rainbow effect and colour issues), it was the one for me. Oh, and it was cheaper than the HD350, the JVC PJ at the time. The HC7000 also looked more three dimnsional than the HD350 too.

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