Help and advice needed for a clueless person!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I need some advice. I've got a substantial CD collection approx 700-800 (never really counted them all). I'm fed up of them hanging around and cluttering up the place. I had an idea that it might be an idea to see if there is someway of burning all of my CD's onto some device and then being able to access them via that.

I wonder if there is a device with a hard drive that will store all of my music that I can access like a jukebox? I'm pretty much stumped but would appreciate any advice or suggestions.

Here's hoping, fingers crossed.

Lou x
Aha. The easiest thing to do is to burn them all onto that thing you're sitting at, and use a wireless client such as Airport Express, Apple TV, Squeezebox, Windows Media Extender etc. You can then complicate matters by adding external storage etc, but we can get to that later.

What's your existing system? Maybe then we can look at price-appropriate stuff to recommend.


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