Question Help a clueless noob


Active member
Dec 26, 2024
Hi folks,

A few months ago, my wife and I found a collection of her late mum's records.

As a birthday/Xmas gift, I got my wife a turntable and speakers so she could listen to them again. The kids bought her a couple of new LPs too.

However the sound is really tinny.

Hands up, I know next to nothing about this stuff, other than the research I did before getting the turntable and speakers.

I opted for the Audio-Technic AT-LP60XUSB turntable as it seemed a decent place to start.

I went for the Majority D100 speakers mainly because the cheaper ones in Currys sold out and I desperately needed them before Xmas.
They work great through Bluetooth on my phone and seem like a good pair of speakers to me.

I've connected them with a 3.5mm jack from the analogue out on the turntable to the RCA connections on the master speaker.
Sound quality is very poor.

Previously, we tried playing some of the old records through our TV soundbar (USB) and that was better quality. They werea bit scratched and jumpy in places. Not sure if that might have wrecked the stylus?

So I need your help.
Do I need a phono pre-amplifier? Or is it a new stylus? Or is it just a poor quality set up?

Any advice appreciated.
That is because they are cheap speakers £120 for amp,controls,cable,cabinet,3 units + a remote

If you wanna have cheap speakers that sound good go for edifier or a small class d amp and a pair of miccas
Thanks folks.

Well, as embarrassing as it is for me, it turns out that the switch on the back was in the wrong position!

Thanks for digging me out a hole!

And thanks for the kit suggestions - if I get more into this (which might well happen) I'll definitely pick your collective brains before handing over my cash to anyone.

Enjoy the rest of your Christmas / Yuletide / Solstice / Saturnalia holidays.
That is because they are cheap speakers £120 for amp,controls,cable,cabinet,3 units + a remote

If you wanna have cheap speakers that sound good go for edifier or a small class d amp and a pair of miccas

Not for the first time I've seen you offer some spectacularly bad advice to people based on hifi snobbery/audiophoolery/ignorance.

Stop it!

Please try engaging your brain, and being a bit more objective before doling out "advice" to "clueless noobs" in the future...
we don't know if the tt is set to line or phono

in case it's set right, he might wanna look at edifer speakers or a pair used active speakers

krk rokit, mackie mr524 or just a pair of yamaha hs5 shouldn't be to expensive when bough used
Hi folks,

A few months ago, my wife and I found a collection of her late mum's records.

As a birthday/Xmas gift, I got my wife a turntable and speakers so she could listen to them again. The kids bought her a couple of new LPs too.

However the sound is really tinny.

Hands up, I know next to nothing about this stuff, other than the research I did before getting the turntable and speakers.

I opted for the Audio-Technic AT-LP60XUSB turntable as it seemed a decent place to start.

I went for the Majority D100 speakers mainly because the cheaper ones in Currys sold out and I desperately needed them before Xmas.
They work great through Bluetooth on my phone and seem like a good pair of speakers to me.

I've connected them with a 3.5mm jack from the analogue out on the turntable to the RCA connections on the master speaker.
Sound quality is very poor.

Previously, we tried playing some of the old records through our TV soundbar (USB) and that was better quality. They werea bit scratched and jumpy in places. Not sure if that might have wrecked the stylus?

So I need your help.
Do I need a phono pre-amplifier? Or is it a new stylus? Or is it just a poor quality set up?

Any advice appreciated.
Hi, once the switch on tha back of your AT turntable is in correct position (line out) to connect with your active speakers, I hope it works fine. Your selected turntable and speakers are both from let's say lower price category. It does not have a lot of sense to invest more than 300 pounds into speakers without improvement of the source, turntable or streamer. Same is valid for source components. BR.


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