Headphones for train/tube commuting


New member
May 29, 2008
After years of happily using in-ear 'phones, I'm thinking of getting some over-ear headphones - for some reason I'm starting to find in-ear phones slightly uncomfortable.

Current 'phones are Shure 110's, which I know some people don't like, but they sound pretty good to me (but then they only cost me £18 on play last December).

Wouldn't want to take a step down on sound quality, but requirements may mean that is unavoidable: must be closed back (ie commuter friendly), must be reasonably rugged so they can be thrown in a bag, and must be under £100 (they will only ever be used for commuting, so under £50 would be even better).

Any ideas anyone? I'm also guessing headphones are one of those items that can't be returned if you don't like them???

John Duncan

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2008
I had some Sennheiser PX200s which meet your requirements - can't think of anything else in budget that's closed back for starters, without going to something like the HD25-SP (the SP is important to bring them in you sub-100 budget). The latter may not meet your 'commuter-friendly' criterion though - I found them good at shutting the world out, but not so good at keeping the music in.

As for being rugged, not so sure, since my '200s broke at the headphone socket end after about nine months of - admittedly - daily use. But then that's happened eventually to practically every pair of phones I've had.


New member
Aug 23, 2009

Saw this offer on another website, pair of Goldring NS1000 headphones from play.com for under £50 with a promotional code. They are 5* from What Hi-Fi and i have some myself, they're really nice.


Discount code is NS1000SAVE49 - apply this when you're confirming payment on right hand side in a box which says apply voucher/discount.



i would go for the goldring ns-1000s. they are really good and for the deal referenced above it is an absolute bargain.

i've used them on the tube and although you can hear rumbles and occassionally people talking they noise cancelling is pretty sweet and so much better than not having it. in my opinion the cushioning and padding around the ear is more comfortable and offers better isolation than the sennheisers.


New member
May 29, 2008
Cheers - have ordered a pair of the Goldrings! Funnily enough they immediately caught my attention whilst reading the online reviews, but at £150 had to be immediately dismissed.

Now, here's hoping postal strikes don't leave me waiting too long...


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Really interested in these, currently have an old pair of beyerdynamic 231 galactic, how do these compare? I am not at all bothered about noise cancelling, but am after some over ear (in ear fall out) for about £30-50, that sound as good as my beyer and my home grado 80, are these a good price for the non noise cancelling buyer?

Just to add, these are for use with ipod, how are they with portable devices, struggle to be driven or not?



afraid i cant compare them to the bayers as i have never heard them. judging by the price difference and the fact that the goldrings are newer, i can only assume (hope) that they will sound better. i do however think that your grados will sound better as they are open backed and offer no N/C.

it really is a case of horses for courses. i bought them because the sennheiser PX450s were massive and expensive. the bose quiet comforts were nice but over priced and over rated. tried some denon noice cancelling ones as well and they were not up to scratch.

i listen to the goldrings every day, mainly at work through my laptop and an external sound card and they do sound brilliant without the N/C turned on. however i also bought them for when i have to travel to london and it's nice to have the extra option to cut out various noise. point is, non N/C heaphones around the same price probably sound better, however i wanted the option as well.

as for driving them, absolutely no problem with both the sound card, home amp, or ipod. would suggest that if you have a euro ipod that you get the bloody eu volume limit removed, google it and you will hear why.