one off:thelhc the smoking and drinking comments were aimed at phs
So? this is a public forum, if you want a private conversation try email.
sweeping statement though you could argue its doing good for the smokers since it might force them to smoke less
Why should anyone WANT to force them to smoke less though? It's their choice, the only reason to stop people from smoking is because of the cost to the NHS, but the government won't do that because of the revenue they get from cigarette duties (but that's a whole different argument...)
as to the sticky drinks there is actually quite a list of additives that are banned or whose use is limited in them because their bad for the health but noone wants the controls lifted not that ive seen anyway
That's a strawman arguement, the drinks can be made without the banned additives and nobody notices any difference, apart from Tizer, which has been ruined...
i agree its not reasonable or logical to drive an f1 car at 200mph and id certainly ban anyone from attempting to do so on the streets otherwise its no more absurd than 22 people wearing shorts in winter going out and kicking a ball around while being watched by 20000 people and ive not suggested banning either so a bit puzzled about the logic there
The logic is you said we wouldn't need legislation if people were reasonable and logical about things. If people were reasonable and logical about things we wouldn't be on this forum. Music isn't logical, Movies aren't logical, sport isn't logical, very little that humans do is logical but we do it because we enjoy it, including listening to loud music.
personally i think people dont like taking risks at all they just enjoy being selfish
Says the man with two speeding tickets this year! Why do people drive fast, because they enjoy it, in part because of the risk element involved. Of course people like taking risks, that's what makes life interesting, why do people play poker, jump out of aeroplanes, climb up a cliff face, because the risk makes it fun. That's why seeing James Bond jump the curly bridge in The Man With the Golden Gun is so much more satisfying than Nicolas Cage jumping the Mustang in Gone in 60 Seconds, because we know in the first one a guy actually strapped himself into the car, took a risk and did it for real, it wasn't just rendered (badly) on a computer.
in the end you have to protect people from themselves
No you don't, people have the right to do whatever they want with themselves, providing nobody else gets hurt.
which is why we have all the laws we do thats how society stops from descending into anarchy and thats also why we need the police to enforce them
And the vast majority of those laws are to protect people from *other people*, not themselves.
basically you have a lot more faith in human nature than i do and thats the difference
I have no faith in humans whatsoever, a more cretinous bunch of feeble minded idiots you'd never wish to meet but I don't believe people are quite as stupid as you seem to think they are and, imo, everybody has the right to self-determination, balanced by the right not to be endangered by anyone else of course.
I don't drink, I don't smoke, I barely take a risk or do anything exciting at all (somebody once asked me on another forum what I did to get my endorphins flowing, it took me three days to come back to him. Without an answer.) but I don't feel it's my business to decide what other people do with their lives, regardless of how stupid I might think the activity to be, whereas you, apparently, feel that is your business. That's the difference.