headphones and potential health problems

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ph they have passed legislation on smoking

its banned in public places in most european cities now

theyve also passed legislation about alcohol if you recollect the drink driving rules so the nanny state actually does help us on occasions

theyve passed legislation on sugary drinks to which is why the labels show ingredients and calories

theyd have to do none of this if we were reasonable logical people


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2007
There's a difference between passing legislation to protect other people from harm who have not made a choice (banning smoking in public places, banning drink driving) and banning something which means an individual has no choice on the harm it does themselves - which is exactly what a cap on headphone volumes is. The equivalent for smoking and drinking would be banning smoking outright and limiting you to 2 units of alcohol a day (or whatever the current "safe" limit is). There's certainly no plans afoot for either of those.

And the legislation on sugary drinks is exactly the sort of thing I'm talking about, it's education. They don't prevent you from buying and drinking as many sugary drinks as you want, but they ensure there is a label on the packet indicating what will happen if you do drink too many. This is all we need on headphone and headphone amps as well - a warning, not enforced limitation.


interesting so if we apply what you say then marijuana cocaine and heroin should not be banned just have a warning on the packet

actually i suspect that might not be a bad thing


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2007
Hi Andrew - I'm perfectly calm - just debating a point... Sorry if it seems heated, it certainly isn't from my point of view

one off:interesting so if we apply what you say then marijuana cocaine and heroin should not be banned just have a warning on the packet

Well, some people would agree with you. However, this road is digressing quite far from the original point!


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2008
one off:ph they have passed legislation on smoking
its banned in public places in most european cities now

theyve also passed legislation about alcohol if you recollect the drink driving rules so the nanny state actually does help us on occasions

Yes, that's because in both of those cases the activity (smoking and drink driving) are damaging to other people. Are you going to suggest the same is true for listening to headphones at a loud volume? Of course not.

theyve passed legislation on sugary drinks to which is why the labels show ingredients and calories

And that's simply giving information that people wouldn't otherwise have had, it doesn't stop them from drinking the drink or limit how much they can drink. So fine, stick a label on all mp3 players stating that loud noises can damage your hearing, just like they do with cigarettes. You'll notice they don't legislate on how many cigarettes a person is allowed to smoke a day, they simply tell you that it's bad for you. Why should headphones be regarded any differently? Why, therefore, when millions of people die every year from smoking related diseases, do they think that they should limit people on the volume they listen to their music at? Are they seriously saying that that's a more serious health issue than lung cancer or emphysema?

theyd have to do none of this if we were reasonable logical people

It's not "reasonable" or "logical" to drive an F1 car at 200mph and seriously increase your risk of injury or death, would you like them to outlaw that as well?

People should be allowed to take risks, provided it doesn't hurt other people, if someone wants to do something they enjoy that they know carries a potential risk, why the hell shouldn't they? It's their life, whose right is it to tell anyone else what to do with their own body? It's not "logical" or "reasonable" to want to stick bits of metal through your flesh but do we ban that? Not to adults.


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2008
one off:interesting so if we apply what you say then marijuana cocaine and heroin should not be banned just have a warning on the packet
actually i suspect that might not be a bad thing

I suspect you might be right, again it comes back to whether or not other people are harmed by the activity. In the case of a lot of illegal drugs it's not the drug taking that's harmful, it's the crime committed to feed the expensive habit that's the problem.

Add to that that most of the harm from heroin comes from the rubbish that it's cut with rather than the drug itself and you've got to wonder whether a clean, controlled supply might not actually be a much better idea.

That's a massively simplified version of course, there's far more to it than that, but it's crazy that you're not even allowed to discuss the idea and yet tobacco and alcohol cause far more problems up and down the country every day.


New member
Mar 20, 2008
matengawhat:simplified but trueAgreed. There are a lot of drugs where even possession will get you a prison sentence that scientifically have been shown to not only cause less harm to the user than legal drugs, but also cause very little harm to others. I have to admit that alcohol, the only drug I take apart from caffeine, would be the first to be banned if overall harm (user + third partys) was taken into account and ecstasy and cannabis would be freely available.


thelhc the smoking and drinking comments were aimed at phs sweeping statement though you could argue its doing good for the smokers since it might force them to smoke less

as to the sticky drinks there is actually quite a list of additives that are banned or whose use is limited in them because their bad for the health but noone wants the controls lifted not that ive seen anyway

i agree its not reasonable or logical to drive an f1 car at 200mph and id certainly ban anyone from attempting to do so on the streets otherwise its no more absurd than 22 people wearing shorts in winter going out and kicking a ball around while being watched by 20000 people and ive not suggested banning either so a bit puzzled about the logic there

personally i think people dont like taking risks at all they just enjoy being selfish

in the end you have to protect people from themselves which is why we have all the laws we do thats how society stops from descending into anarchy and thats also why we need the police to enforce them

basically you have a lot more faith in human nature than i do and thats the difference


yes but we can agree to disagree and dont forget im a vegetarian so naturally a bit crazy


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2008
one off:thelhc the smoking and drinking comments were aimed at phs

So? this is a public forum, if you want a private conversation try email.

sweeping statement though you could argue its doing good for the smokers since it might force them to smoke less

Why should anyone WANT to force them to smoke less though? It's their choice, the only reason to stop people from smoking is because of the cost to the NHS, but the government won't do that because of the revenue they get from cigarette duties (but that's a whole different argument...)

as to the sticky drinks there is actually quite a list of additives that are banned or whose use is limited in them because their bad for the health but noone wants the controls lifted not that ive seen anyway

That's a strawman arguement, the drinks can be made without the banned additives and nobody notices any difference, apart from Tizer, which has been ruined...

i agree its not reasonable or logical to drive an f1 car at 200mph and id certainly ban anyone from attempting to do so on the streets otherwise its no more absurd than 22 people wearing shorts in winter going out and kicking a ball around while being watched by 20000 people and ive not suggested banning either so a bit puzzled about the logic there

The logic is you said we wouldn't need legislation if people were reasonable and logical about things. If people were reasonable and logical about things we wouldn't be on this forum. Music isn't logical, Movies aren't logical, sport isn't logical, very little that humans do is logical but we do it because we enjoy it, including listening to loud music.

personally i think people dont like taking risks at all they just enjoy being selfish

Says the man with two speeding tickets this year! Why do people drive fast, because they enjoy it, in part because of the risk element involved. Of course people like taking risks, that's what makes life interesting, why do people play poker, jump out of aeroplanes, climb up a cliff face, because the risk makes it fun. That's why seeing James Bond jump the curly bridge in The Man With the Golden Gun is so much more satisfying than Nicolas Cage jumping the Mustang in Gone in 60 Seconds, because we know in the first one a guy actually strapped himself into the car, took a risk and did it for real, it wasn't just rendered (badly) on a computer.

in the end you have to protect people from themselves

No you don't, people have the right to do whatever they want with themselves, providing nobody else gets hurt.

which is why we have all the laws we do thats how society stops from descending into anarchy and thats also why we need the police to enforce them

And the vast majority of those laws are to protect people from *other people*, not themselves.

basically you have a lot more faith in human nature than i do and thats the difference

I have no faith in humans whatsoever, a more cretinous bunch of feeble minded idiots you'd never wish to meet but I don't believe people are quite as stupid as you seem to think they are and, imo, everybody has the right to self-determination, balanced by the right not to be endangered by anyone else of course.

I don't drink, I don't smoke, I barely take a risk or do anything exciting at all (somebody once asked me on another forum what I did to get my endorphins flowing, it took me three days to come back to him. Without an answer.) but I don't feel it's my business to decide what other people do with their lives, regardless of how stupid I might think the activity to be, whereas you, apparently, feel that is your business. That's the difference.


one off:thelhc the smoking and drinking comments were aimed at phs

So? this is a public forum, if you want a private conversation try email.

sweeping statement though you could argue its doing good for the smokers since it might force them to smoke less

Why should anyone WANT to force them to smoke less though? It's their choice, the only reason to stop people from smoking is because of the cost to the NHS, but the government won't do that because of the revenue they get from cigarette duties (but that's a whole different argument...)

as to the sticky drinks there is actually quite a list of additives that are banned or whose use is limited in them because their bad for the health but noone wants the controls lifted not that ive seen anyway

That's a strawman arguement, the drinks can be made without the banned additives and nobody notices any difference, apart from Tizer, which has been ruined...

i agree its not reasonable or logical to drive an f1 car at 200mph and id certainly ban anyone from attempting to do so on the streets otherwise its no more absurd than 22 people wearing shorts in winter going out and kicking a ball around while being watched by 20000 people and ive not suggested banning either so a bit puzzled about the logic there

The logic is you said we wouldn't need legislation if people were reasonable and logical about things. If people were reasonable and logical about things we wouldn't be on this forum. Music isn't logical, Movies aren't logical, sport isn't logical, very little that humans do is logical but we do it because we enjoy it, including listening to loud music.

personally i think people dont like taking risks at all they just enjoy being selfish

Says the man with two speeding tickets this year! Why do people drive fast, because they enjoy it, in part because of the risk element involved. Of course people like taking risks, that's what makes life interesting, why do people play poker, jump out of aeroplanes, climb up a cliff face, because the risk makes it fun. That's why seeing James Bond jump the curly bridge in The Man With the Golden Gun is so much more satisfying than Nicolas Cage jumping the Mustang in Gone in 60 Seconds, because we know in the first one a guy actually strapped himself into the car, took a risk and did it for real, it wasn't just rendered (badly) on a computer.

in the end you have to protect people from themselves

No you don't, people have the right to do whatever they want with themselves, providing nobody else gets hurt.

which is why we have all the laws we do thats how society stops from descending into anarchy and thats also why we need the police to enforce them

And the vast majority of those laws are to protect people from *other people*, not themselves.

basically you have a lot more faith in human nature than i do and thats the difference

I have no faith in humans whatsoever, a more cretinous bunch of feeble minded idiots you'd never wish to meet but I don't believe people are quite as stupid as you seem to think they are and, imo, everybody has the right to self-determination, balanced by the right not to be endangered by anyone else of course.

I don't drink, I don't smoke, I barely take a risk or do anything exciting at all (somebody once asked me on another forum what I did to get my endorphins flowing, it took me three days to come back to him. Without an answer.) but I don't feel it's my business to decide what other people do with their lives, regardless of how stupid I might think the activity to be, whereas you, apparently, feel that is your business. That's the difference.

oh dear thelhc id no idea you lived such a sheltered life

me ive knocked around a bit and been knocked around a bit which is why i have a jaundiced view about the so called intelligent beings who populate this planet

three pints of lager would be a start amazing what a different slant that can put on the world not to mention your gait ill even buy the first if you live in the south west

go on live a little you know it makes sense youll have to imagine the smiley icon as its not working agaib


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2008
one off:oh dear thelhc id no idea you lived such a sheltered life

I haven't. I didn't say I'd NEVER drunk or smoked, I said I don't now. And that's entirely by choice and for very good reasons.

me ive knocked around a bit and been knocked around a bit which is why i have a jaundiced view about the so called intelligent beings who populate this planet

Well like i said, I don't think many of them are intelligent, myself included.

three pints of lager would be a start

No it wouldn't, three pints of lager would probably be a very convincing finish however...

amazing what a different slant that can put on the world not to mention your gait

I'm struggling with the gait enough as it is, without adding beer into the mix.

ill even buy the first if you live in the south west

I do as it happens (there are a lot of here aren't there?) but save your money, it'll only be wasted. unless you drink it of course...

go on live a little you know it makes sense

If I was living do you think I'd be sitting here all day picking minute holes in people's arguments?

youll have to imagine the smiley icon as its not working agaib

I have to imagine a lot of things these days...


one off:oh dear thelhc id no idea you lived such a sheltered life

I haven't. I didn't say I'd NEVER drunk or smoked, I said I don't now. And that's entirely by choice and for very good reasons.

me ive knocked around a bit and been knocked around a bit which is why i have a jaundiced view about the so called intelligent beings who populate this planet

Well like i said, I don't think many of them are intelligent, myself included.

three pints of lager would be a start

No it wouldn't, three pints of lager would probably be a very convincing finish however...

amazing what a different slant that can put on the world not to mention your gait

I'm struggling with the gait enough as it is, without adding beer into the mix.

ill even buy the first if you live in the south west

I do as it happens (there are a lot of here aren't there?) but save your money, it'll only be wasted. unless you drink it of course...

go on live a little you know it makes sense

If I was living do you think I'd be sitting here all day picking minute holes in people's arguments?

youll have to imagine the smiley icon as its not working agaib

I have to imagine a lot of things these days...

gosh thelhc and i thought my life was drab youve made me feel quite depressed ill have to go down the pub and drink those three pints myself


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2008
one off:gosh thelhc and i thought my life was drab

It is. Don't let me spoil that for you...

youve made me feel quite depressed ill have to go down the pub and drink those three pints myself

My work here is done. Ironic really as I am actually at work but this is the most I've achieved here in weeks...


so let me guess your in computers theres no other work so mind bogglingly dull


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