headphone amp and iPhone

I've just bought a Fiio e5 (along with Line Out Dock) for my iPod classic. My Beyerdynamic DTX100's now sound a lot better - much more weight and clearer - I thought they were very good just using the normal headphone socket.

To answer your question, I think it will work as the iPhone has the same outputs as the Ipod Classic.
Thanks. I've been using it on my classic to great effect, but (unless I can find the "4" button that has dropped off my Nokia) I need a new phone and the iPhone is as good as any! Given the two-way traffic of the iPhone (using the headphones as a mic for calls also) I need to make sure that they will play nicely together. Anyone have any experience?
bumping! Has anyone tried using a headphone amp via a LOD from an iPhone4?

Concerned it will only work in "airplane/aeroplane" mode.
I have been using the LOD and Fiio with the iPhone 4 for about a month with no problems. I was concerned that I would have to use airplane mode but so far it has worked fine in normal mode. I am able to text, use the internet, apps, etc whilst listening to my music without any interference to the sound.
ianmcg - thanks for taking the time to reply. much obliged.

Although I found my missing "4" button, which is holding with superglue!
Did you go for the Fiio? If not, the iBasso range are well suited in sound and size (or indeed the Graham Slee Voyager which is a little larger)


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