RobinKidderminster said:
Not wishing to open again the 'old cable debate' I posted earlier ..
All issues addressed on p85 of November WHF. Detailed. Relaxed. Not as clean as some. The SupraUSB. Russ Andrews struggles a little with bass & CA less texture. Mmmmm.
That's usb cables though, and this was a test designed for HDMI cables, but am sure it could be used for USB cables. However I doubt we will ever see such a test in WHF magazine as how could they say that the data being recieved was the same and then on the other hand say it sounds different.
I have had to do large amounts of copying from device a to b using usb and check the md5 hashes and they were the same using different cables. So from a data point of view, there's no difference that I have found between usb cables.
Kind of a shame really as now there is a greater move in to the digital arena, once respected views from people who were respected for their knowledge are now being called in to question.
That test I linked to reviewed the following cables
as an example. In the test they proved that there is no difference, scientifically - especially the part about the colours being the same, yet the reviews on whf appear to say that there are differences.
So that leaves us with the age old argument about expectation bias, placebo effect etc as there really is nothing to differentiate otherwise.