Having an earth spike installed next week...


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2007
I'm lucky enough to have a dedicated mains spur for my kit but reckon better earthing would improve things further, especially as Naim kit loves good 'lecky...

So sparky is coming on Weds to install an earth spike in the garden.

I'll let you know what difference it makes.
Make sure that there is no way your dedicated earth can act as a main Earth for other properties around you. Remember that Earth / Ground is rarely 0v and sometimes can reach 30v or so. Therefore if your new Earth rod has a lower resistance than the main earth of those surrounding you you may run the risk of that earth being permanently live
True Blue:Make sure that there is no way your dedicated earth can act as a main Earth for other properties around you. Remember that Earth / Ground is rarely 0v and sometimes can reach 30v or so. Therefore if your new Earth rod has a lower resistance than the main earth of those surrounding you you may run the risk of that earth being permanently live

Didn't understand a word of that!
But will pass that onto the electrician for consideration!
Quote from one of my textbooks

In many cases the domestic earth is provided by the supply company via
the steel cladding of the cable laid from the local sub-station. This
can mean that the "earth" in a house may actually float at up to 30v or
so above the actual earth potential at the location.

If you sink an earth rod locally then you may create a situation where
all your immediate neighbours' earths default to your earth rod and you
get a significant permanent current flow"

EDITED BY MODS for House Rules
Just make sure that the earth you currently have is good and all the earth connectors are tight and have good contact.


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