Has hi-fi got better


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Pound for pound has hi fi got better say over the last 10 years, ie, if you spent £6000 ten years ago would you get a better system now for the same money, using cd as source say
In amps and speakers I'd say there's been little to no gains. In digital sources I think there have been noticable gains.

The biggest change for me is that the internet now allows me to find much better music.
Yes and/or no.

[Brand specific] case in point.... jump in time machine, set to ten years ago, then try getting a Naim Nait 5 and CD5 and Naim FM tuner and DAB tuner and a DAC and wireless streaming (with superior DAC technology from years in the future) for £2000 and have them get it all into one standard sized Naim box.

Speaker technology has improved. Even Uber-conservative companies - like Harbeth - have developed new speaker driver technology in the last ten years.

I am not convinced that amplifiers have improved much in 10 years (or even 25) expecially at the budget end, where £350 is the new £200, and where - for all of it's faults - the NAD 3020 could (and can) still impress an iPod generation.
I think there have been significant gains overall. Sources, speakers and amps at the same price range sound better now, imho.

Even if there was more progress in the 70s, 80s, and 90s, it's hard to deny that the art/science is still moving forward.
I'd agree with Stagea.

I certainly feel that the performance of affordable equipment has improved significantly. Being brand specific again, there is a clear line of improvement through NAD's C32x series of amps from the C320 through to the latest C326BEE, and the improvement from the C325BEE to the new model is perhaps the biggest of all. NAD, Cambridge Audio, Marantz, Q Acoustics, Wharfedale, B&W, MA and Rotel have all done a great deal to move the performance of budget hi-fi on.

However, there is also some very over-achieving older equipment out there from the higher end of product ranges. Amps such as Record Spot's AU-717, or dim_span's Pioneer SA-9800 for example.
David, since you are the main man, do you think i could get a much better system now than i have for the same money. Thanks john
id think not my own gear is slightly older and id have to spend double to get better judgeing by some auditioning i did recently

Sorry to hijack the thread briefly. I notice you were online. You asked a question about the my guitar in a prob now buried thread.

Its an Epiphone Casino I have on the wall. I think the
Casino is Epiphones version of the Gibson ES330. Its a beautiful guitar
though. I play it through a little Orange Crush combo amp an love it.
Hi bobbyg81, yea the epis are good especially the older ones, i,ve got an old epiphone emperor regent i play through an AER compact 60, usually play solo stuff kinda like martin taylor style, but have played a fair bit of jazz with saxes, trumpets and even as a duo with a violin, my avatar is a George Benson GB100
Think the answer has to be 'it depends'...

Some aspects - streaming etc - simply didn't exist 20/30 yrs ago so clearly HiFi has moved on in adding these to the options for system building.

I'm not familiar with entry-level kit but many people say this has improved and no reason to doubt. Certainly I get the impression that there's more choice (& higher-quality) in entry-level DACs.

If you're talking beyond budget level and away from streaming - cd players, amps, speakers - I'm totally unconvinced anything major has happened here, and clearly the mags review new equipment vs new equipment - not the new Marantz vs the elderly Copland. Speakers if anything may have gone downhill - the gradual decrease in the size of drivers has removed many of the amazing sounds you got from some of the 70s/80s speakers.

Clearly it's in the manufacturers interests to make newer sound better or they're out of business! My view is that most of it's marketing. But what do I know, my favourite phone is still my Nokia 6310i as the battery lasts for a week of normal use 🙂
johnnyjazz:Hi bobbyg81, yea the epis are good especially the older ones, i,ve got an old epiphone emperor regent i play through an AER compact 60, usually play solo stuff kinda like martin taylor style, but have played a fair bit of jazz with saxes, trumpets and even as a duo with a violin, my avatar is a George Benson GB100

Theyre both beautiful guitars. I just play rythmn so I cant justify spending anymore on guitars.(got an Epi acoustic and Jackson bass) Unless a pink paisley tele comes up at a decent price!
Theyre both beautiful guitars. I just play rythmn so I cant justify spending anymore on guitars.(got an Epi acoustic and Jackson bass) Unless a pink paisley tele comes up at a decent price!

Bobby, don,t undermine rythm playing, its hard to get a good rythm player now, everyone wants to be at the front, for the first 3 years i did nothing but comp in silly timings and flat keys ( have to play in flat keys when accompanying sax, trumpet, clarinet etc ) every single chord was a barred chord, fattened up the left hand lol


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