So, after electing to add a sub to my setup, I've found I've now some nasty low 60 cycle-like hum when I select 'phono' on my amp. The hum is only present with the sub connected to my amp i.e. if I unplug the sub, the hum disappears. In fact, even with sub powered off (yet still plugged in) and connected to the amp, the phono channel still has hum present.
I've tried different RCA cables between sub and amp but to no avail. I've also tried using different plugs in different areas of room but to no avail also. On all other inputs, e.g. cd/ optical etc, the sub works fine with no hum present.
My TT is a debut carbon for what it's worth.
Many thanks for any insights...
I've tried different RCA cables between sub and amp but to no avail. I've also tried using different plugs in different areas of room but to no avail also. On all other inputs, e.g. cd/ optical etc, the sub works fine with no hum present.
My TT is a debut carbon for what it's worth.
Many thanks for any insights...