Graham Slee Solo connection


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Need some advice please. Is it possible to split the phono lead signal from my CD player (Meridian G08) so one lead feeds directly to GS Solo and the other feeds directly to my amp (AVI Lab Series Integrated Amp). My thinking is that a direct signal from CD player to headphone amp would offer better sound quality. I still wish to listen to CD"s via the AVI and my speakers, but also listen to radio via speakers or headphones depending how late it is! If the above is possible without jeopardising sound quality what connections and plugs would be needed. Many thanks
Hi and welcome to the forum.

I think I see what you are asking but not sure how you have your Solo connected to your amplifier at the moment.

Does the AVI amp not have a tape loop? If so are you using it to connect the Solo?

This would be the best way to connect and I think would then allow you to listen to whatever you wanted because I am sure the Solo has 2 inputs so CD player could be connected to one and other to the tape loop on the amp. I

am not exactly sure there would be much noticeable difference in sound quality by taking signal direct from the CD player though.
The best connection from a purity perspective is to connect the CD player directly to the Solo. Having said that, using the tape output on your amplifier as suggested will offer almost the same performance with the convenience of being able to listen to other sources without unplugging/replugging the Solo.

There are high quality cables that do what you suggested such as Chord's Chameleon RCA Y-cable but this still means you'd need to unplug and replug the solo into another source/amp if you want to listen to any source other than CD. As such, tape output is probably the way forward. Hope this helps
Think maybe I will continue to listen via tape loop on the amp, seems simplest route.
Thank you for your welcome to the forum and for the advice, am using tape loop on AVI so will leave things as they are.


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