I have not long connected my Pro-Ject Xpression MKIII turntable to a Cyrus 6VS2 Integrated Amp via the above phono stage.
Does the phono stage need burning in to realise it's true potential as I find that the vinyl I play does not have the same oomph as the CD's played through my Opera Consonance Linear 120 CDP, in fact some recordings can sound a little muddled as well; although I realise this can be down to the actual record being played.
Should I be patient and see if the sound improves with more playing or should I upgrade the phono stage?
Does the phono stage need burning in to realise it's true potential as I find that the vinyl I play does not have the same oomph as the CD's played through my Opera Consonance Linear 120 CDP, in fact some recordings can sound a little muddled as well; although I realise this can be down to the actual record being played.
Should I be patient and see if the sound improves with more playing or should I upgrade the phono stage?