Grado GS1000


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Oh my word are these things good! Right, Lonely Boy - tell me where you bought your headphone amp from!

Anyway, onto the sound - music is sweet, supple and sonorous; bass is so accurate with frequencies being produced that even sub-£1000 sub-woofers could not hint at; the mid-range is sooo smooth and refined but has bite to it when needed and the treble...oh the treble! Nothing prepares you for the shock of hearing accurate treble!!! Symbols have a glisten to them and it seems as if the treble extends to infinity!

But the best thing about them? They made me forget about the "reproduction quality" or listening for faults with my equipment; I was loving the music! I was absolutly spell-bound with them - the Dire Straits WERE in front of me - THEY WERE, I KNOW IT! Mark Knopfler was singing to me, and me exclusively! The soundstage was so wide and accurate that I started to worry that I had my speakers on in front of me!

The SACD master of Dire Straits Brothers In Arms provided me with the music I needed - anyone familiar to "Your Latest Trick" will be pleased to know that on the GS1000s, the air of the room was so large, I was utterly surrounded by atmosphere of the music! And for those of you wondering what equipment was driving the world's most expensive cans, it was just the headphone socket of my A32 and the CD73 with four years of What Hi-Fi and EVO magazine piled on top!

For those of you - and there are many of you - seeking for the ultimate in hi-fi music reproduction, I suggest you audition the Grado GS1000s as soon as possible. They will put to shame your speakers, regardless of price - they supressed B&W 801D, MA PL300 and numerous Harbeth monitors which I have heard - they made music like nothing else.

The downside? You can't share the experience with anyone else...
They are rather lovely!

Care to cut and paste your comments into the User Reviews section for the Grado GS1000? Then you can share your joy with everyone who comes to read the review...
"Only way to feel the noise is when it's good and loud...."
the record spot:"Only way to feel the noise is when it's good and loud...."

Oh they can do that!
Hughes123:Oh my word are these things good!

So i take it that you like them then? Thanks for the write up, they sound even more like a pair of phones I need to listen too! (my wallet - "groan...") How are they for comfort? Those pads look nice and comfy!

Hughes123:Right, Lonely Boy - tell me where you bought your headphone amp from!

I bought my amp from Analogue Seduction for £360 inc delivery, although at the moment they don't have it in stock. I'll post some links later of some other stockists.

Unfortunately, it seems to be developing a crackle in the right channel, so it looks like it will be going for a little trip back home.

Anyway, have fun with them!!
I have to agree that the GS1K model is a commendable pair of cans...very detailed, even more so than the earlier RS-1. BTW I have been using AKG K701 for my headphone setup for 2 years now. However, the GS1K despite being detailed and incisive, I still find natural sounding speakers like the harbeth C7 ES3/SHL5 more enjoyable and musical anytime with a touch of enveloping ambience and freedom that cans just cant match (even Stax series). I can hardly listen to a pair for more than 2 hours at a go...usually I fatigue out after 1 hour..but undeniably Grados give a very exciting and dynamic sound which is extremely detail...The AKG K701 top model is more mellow sounding with a spacious feel but I only use them late pass midnight...

lonely boy:

So i take it that you like them then? Thanks for the write up, they sound even more like a pair of phones I need to listen too! (my wallet - "groan...") How are they for comfort? Those pads look nice and comfy!

I bought my amp from Analogue Seduction for £360 inc delivery, although at the moment they don't have it in stock. I'll post some links later of some other stockists.

Unfortunately, it seems to be developing a crackle in the right channel, so it looks like it will be going for a little trip back home.

Anyway, have fun with them!!

The comfort is superb - so much better than the SR60s (of which the foam pads have degraded after 6 months) and I've had no pain at all, even after 6 hours once! And I must buy that amplifier - it looks a million dollars and I bet it sounds it too!


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