Bruce Springsteen Live in New York City
Previous Springsteen live offerings have failed to properly capture the almost religious experience that is "The Boss" live. I've seen him 53 times live and have always been somewhat disappointed with the live material available on CD. This album, however, cuts the mustard. It is the closest thing I've heard to the real thing. There are a few faults - a couple of clumsy mistakes, missed vocals, and a tendency for eight blokes in their fifties to play a tiny bit slower than in their heyday, making some tracks sound a little ponderous. These are minor gripes though, as you will realise about two to three minutes into "Jungleland" when the first verse finishes and the song kicks into life - Max Weinberg sounds as if he's drumming with a couple of jackhammers, Bruce, Nils Lofgren and Steve Van Zandt switch their guitars into overdrive, Garry Tallent's bass pounds, Danny Federici's keyboards swirl, the piano strings practically snap as "Professor" Roy Bittan hammers the keys, and Clarence Clemons empties his lungs into his mighty golden saxophone. Then you realise that you are listening to the greatest live artist/band in the world ever - bar none -period !
I would also strongly suggest you check out the DVD.