Good interconnect for Rega Apollo


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Can someone tell what is a good/best stereo interconnect to use between a Rega Mira3 and the Apollo cdp?

Or in what price range to look at?

Thank you for repley.
How about trying one of these?

You can always send it back for a refund if you're not happy.
Chord Crimson is perfectly good enough IMO. Well made cable that doesn't break the bank and sounds excellent. I've had more expensive interconnects and, overall, they haven't been any better. On reflection the Chameleon Silver + (3x the price) simply added extra bass.
Just buy any cheap copper interconnect, and spend the rest on more CDs for the Apollo (my friend has one, I think they're excellent)
Either the one that Rega supply with the Apollo or Rega Couple are the most obvious choices.

Can you not borrow some from your dealer to see if you can hear any difference.
Chord Chameleon Silver Plus or a Van Den Hul D102 MKIII Hybrid, in my opinion.
I have used chord cobra 3, chameleon silver plus and atlas equator and all have sounded different. The atlas was open and airy but with a tendancy to sound a bit harsh, the cobra was nice, warm and smoth but lacked the detail and openess of the atlas, the chameloeon silver plus seems to be the best of all with warmth, more detail and no harshness to the treble or voices. Thats my limited experience. Im yet to do a back to back A-B-C comparison on them, but i will do at some point soon.
Hanno - I am using a StraightWire 'Chorus' with my Apollo. This cost about £40 12 years ago and I'm sure was an award winner at that time. If I were in the market for a new interconnect I'd be looking at Chord/Merlin or Atlas 5 star products according to budget.

I thought the I/C provided with the Apollo was poor in comparison with the StraightWire.
I have had good experience with Mark Grant Cables, he does just two interconnects, a basic one (approx £20) which I am impressed with, and a new one (£65) which I haven't heard, but I hear others are impressed. I dropped a few hints to Santa, so will let you guys know how I get on.
Gander:I have used chord cobra 3, chameleon silver plus and atlas equator and all have sounded different. The atlas was open and airy but with a tendancy to sound a bit harsh, the cobra was nice, warm and smoth but lacked the detail and openess of the atlas, the chameloeon silver plus seems to be the best of all with warmth, more detail and no harshness to the treble or voices. Thats my limited experience. Im yet to do a back to back A-B-C comparison on them, but i will do at some point soon.

Actually Gander may well be more accurate than me about the Chameleon. Its quite a while since I sold mine and I'm probably due to look at over-hauling my own interconnects.
Thank you all for the advise, i'll all ready have a V.D Hul D102mk3.

I'll take a good look/listen at the Chameleon Silver Plus.

Does any of you know about Furutech interconnects?

I've used one (FA-220 with FP-106 Rhodium connectors) and it's a great cable, cost about 200 euro's.

Thanks again.

Depends what sound you are after if you feel your system could do with more punch and low end grunt Chord Chameleon, if not maybe Chord Crimson
My friend has the Mira3 with Apollo and we tried a stack of cables to see which suited. He ended up buying the Nordost Baldur because it simply gave the best of everything and had a tidier bass than the CSP. Surprisingly he liked the QED Qunex 2 as a joint second with the CSP so you could save a few quid and get one of those!

The Cobra 2 was a definate no as it sucked the energy out of the system.

The Black Rhodium Prelude was oddly just not right. We couldn't put our finger on it but I think it lacked smoothness.

The Nordost Blue Heaven was too brash and thin.

The Crimson is OK but I think you should aim a bit higher. I have one as a spare but find it lacking in the bass and treble detail for my main system duties. As said above, the CSP sorts this out.

The Silver High Breed cables are good (I have two for TV and DVD duties) but I found the sound to be slightly bass light and slightly bright. Reminded me of the Nordost Blue Heaven but less detailed.

See if you can borrow a few cables from a dealer to try out. Aim for about £100 and don't discount Ecosse nor Van Den Hul.


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